You can browse the Native American books by using the Author-Title List below (updated April 7 2019) or by browsing the Native American label. And there's a random book that will display here each time the page loads:
Alexander. Latin-American Mythology (1920)
Alexander. North American Mythology (1916)
Alger. In Indian Tents (1897)
Andrade. Quileute Texts (1931)
Applegate. Indian Stories from the Pueblos (1929)
Bache. American Wonderland (1871)
Bahr. Hohokam Chronicles (1994)
Barbeau. Huron and Wyandot mythology (1915)
Barrett. Pomo Myths (1933)
Bayliss. A Treasury of Eskimo Tales (1922)
Beauchamp. Iroquois Folk Lore (1922)
Beckwith. Mandan-Hidatsa Myths (1937)
Bemister. Thirty Indian Legends of Canada (1917)
Benedict. Tales of the Cochiti Indians (1931)
Benedict. Zuni Mythology (1935)
Boas. Chinook Texts (1894)
Boas. Folktales of Salishan and Sahaptin Tribes (1917)
Boas. Kwakiutl Tales (1910)
Boas. Kwakiutl Tales: New Series (1935)
Boas. Tsimshian Texts (1902)
Boynton. Palm Springs Indians (1943)
Brill. Indian fairy tales (1917)
Brinton. American Hero-Myths (1882)
Carmichael. Indian Legends of Vancouver Island (1922)
Chapman. Ten'a Tales from Alaska (1914)
Clark. Pomo Indian myths (1954)
Coffin. Indian tales of North America (1961)
Coleman. Ojibwa myths and legends (1961)
Compton. American Indian Fairy Tales (1907)
Connelley. Wyandot Folklore (1899)
Cornyn. Indian Hero Tales (1921)
Cronyn. Songs and Chants from the Indians (1918)
Cryer. Legends of the Cowichans (1949)
Curtin. Creation Myths of Primitive America (1911)
Curtin. Myths of the Modocs (1912)
Curtin. Seneca Indian Myths (1922)
Cushing. Zuni Folk Tales (1901)
Dale. Tales of the Tepee (1920)
de Voe. Legends of The Kaw (1904)
Deans. Tales from the Totems of the Hidery (1899)
Dehuff. Taytay's Tales (Pueblo Indian) (1922)
Dixon. Achomawi - Atsugewi - Achomawi Myths (1909)
Dixon. Maidu Texts (1912)
Dixon. Shasta Myths (1910)
Dorsey-Kroeber. Traditions of the Arapaho (1903)
Dorsey. Mythology of the Wichita (1904)
Dorsey. Pawnee Mythology (1906)
Dorsey. Traditions of the Arikara (1904)
Dorsey. Traditions of the Caddo (1905)
Dorsey. Traditions of the Osage (1904)
Dorsey. Traditions of the Skidi Pawnee (1904)
Eastman. Indian Heroes and the Great Chieftains (1918)
Eastman. Indian Legends Retold (1919)
Eastman. Wigwam Evenings - Sioux Folk Tales (1910)
Fletcher. Indian Story and Song (1900)
Frachtenberg. Alsea texts and myths (1920)
Frachtenberg. Coos Texts (1913)
Frachtenberg. Lower Umpqua Texts (1914)
Giddings. Yaqui Myths and Legends (1959)
Gifford-Block. Californian Indian Nights (1930)
Gifford. Miwork Myths (1917)
Goddard. Hupa Texts (1903)
Goddard. Jicarilla Apache Texts (1911)
Goddard. Navajo Texts (1933)
Goddard. Tales from the San Carlos Apache (1918)
Goddard. Tales from the White Mountain Apache (1919)
Goodwin. Tales of the White Mountain Apache (1939)
Gouge. Creek Folktales (2004)
Grantham. Legends of the Creek Indians (2002)
Graves. Klamath River Indians (1929)
Grinnell. Blackfeet Indian Stories (1915)
Grinnell. Blackfoot Lodge Tales (1892)
Grinnell. By Cheyenne Campfires (1926)
Grinnell. Pawnee Hero Stories and Folktales (1889)
Grinnell. The Punishment of the Stingy (1901)
Harrington. Karuk Indian Myths (1932)
Hathaway. The League of the Iroquois (1880)
Hawkes. The Labrador Eskimo (1916)
Hen-Toh. Tales of the bark lodges (1920)
Hoffman. The Menomini Indians (1896)
Howard. Famous Indian Chiefs (1922)
Humishuma. Coyote Stories (1933)
Insley. Indian folklore tales (1952)
Jacobs. Clackamas Chinook myths and tales (1959)
Jacobs. Northwest Sahaptin texts (1934)
James. Tewa firelight tales (1927)
Johnson. Indian legends of the Cuyamaca Mountains (1934)
Johnson. Legends of Vancouver (1912)
Jones-Michelson. Kickapoo Tales (1915)
Jones. Fox Texts (1907)
Judd. Wigwam Stories (1901)
Judson. Legends of Mississippi and Great Lakes (1914)
Judson. Myths and Legends of Alaska (1911)
Judson. Myths and Legends of British North America (1917)
Judson. Myths and Legends of California and Southwest (1912)
Judson. Myths and Legends of the Great Plains (1913)
Judson. Myths and Legends of the Pacific Northwest (1910)
Judson. Old Crow and his friends (1918)
Keithahn. Igloo Tales (1950)
Kroeber. Gros Ventre Myths and Tales (1907)
Kroeber. Indian Myths of South Central California (1907)
Kroeber. Mohave Myths (1948)
Laidlaw. Ojibwa myths and tales (1915)
Larned. American Indian Fairy Tales (1921)
Leland. Algonkin poems (1902)
Leland. Algonquin Legends of New England (1884)
Linderman. Indian Old-Man Stories (1920)
Linderman. Indian Why Stories (1915)
Lloyd. Myths and Legends of the Pimas (1911)
Lockett. Unwritten Literature of the Hopi (1933)
Longfellow. Hiawatha. (1855)
Lowie. Assiniboine (1909)
Lowie. Myths and Traditions of the Crow Indians (1918)
Lummis. Pueblo Indian Folk-Stories (1910)
Luthin. A California Indian Reader (2002)
Lyback. Indian legends (1925)
Mackay. Indian nights (1930)
Macmillan. Canadian Fairy Tales (1922)
Macmillan. Canadian Wonder Tales (1918)
Manning-Sanders. Red Indian folk and fairy tales (1962)
Mason. Salinan Indians (1918)
Matthews. Indian Fairy Book (1869)
Matthews. Navaho Legends (1897)
Matthews. The enchanted moccasins (1877)
McClintock. Blackfeet Indians (1910)
McLaughlin. Myths and Legends of the Sioux (1916)
Mechling. Malecite Tales (1914)
Merriam. Tales Told by the Mewan [Miwok] Indians (1910)
Métraux. Myths of the Toba and Pilagá (1946)
Mooney. Myths of the Cherokee (1900)
Morris. Mythology: North American (1924)
NREL. Stories and Legends of the Northwest (1977)
NREL. Stories and Legends of the Northwest (1977)
NREL. Stories and Legends of the Northwest (1977)
NREL. Stories and Legends of the Northwest (1977)
NREL. Stories and Legends of the Northwest (1977)
NREL. Stories and Legends of the Northwest (1977)
Nusbaum. The seven cities of Cibola (1926)
O'Bryan. Origin Myths of the Navaho (1956)
Olcott. The Red Indian Fairy Book (1917)
Olden. Karoc Indian Stories (1923)
Opler. Legends of the Lipan Apache (1940)
Opler. Tales of the Chiricahua Apache (1942)
Opler. Tales of the Jicarilla Apache Indians (1938)
Osborn. Hiawatha with its original Indian legends (1944)
Owen. Folklore of the Musquakie Indians (1904)
Parsons. Taos Tales (1940)
Parsons. Tewa Tales (1926)
Partridge. Legends of the Micmacs (1913)
Phillips. Sandman: His Indian Stories (1918)
Phillips. Totem Tales (1896)
Phinney. Nez Percé Texts (1934)
Powers. Stories the Iroquois Tell Their Children (1917)
Radin. Tales of the Ojibwa (1914)
Radin. Winnebago hero cycles (1948)
Rand. Legends of the Micmacs (1894)
Rasmussen. Eskimo Folk-Tales (1921)
Reagan. Flood Myths of the Indians (1935)
Reichard. Coeur d'Alene Indian myths (1948)
Rink. Tales and Traditions of the Eskimo (1875)
Sabin. Indian Warriors and Heroic Indian Women (1918)
Sapir. Nootka Texts (1939)
Sapir. Takelma texts (1909)
Sapir. Yana Texts (1910)
Schoolcraft. Algic Researches (1839)
Schoolcraft. The Myth of Hiawatha (1856)
Schoolcraft. The Myth of Hiawatha (1916)
Schultz. Blackfeet Tales of Glacier National Park (1916)
Severance. Indian Legends of Minnesota (1893)
Shoshone. Coyote Steals Fire (2005)
Simms. Traditions of the Crows (1903)
Skinner. Mascoutens or Prairie Potawatomi (1924)
Smith. Indian Story of the Creation and Flood (1906)
Smith. Myths of the Iroquois (1883)
Smith. Yosemite Legends (1904)
Speck. Catawba Texts (1934)
Speck. Myths of the Timiskaming Algonquin and Timagami Ojibwa (1905)
Speck. Wawenock Myth Texts (1912)
Spence. Myths of Mexico and Peru (1917)
Spence. Popol Vuh (1908)
Steward. Some Western Shoshoni Myths (1943)
Stirling. Origin Myth of Acoma (1942)
Stokes. Story of Hiawatha (1910)
Stratton. Tejas and Other Indian Legends (1936)
Swanton. Haida texts and myths (1905)
Swanton. Myths of the Southeastern Indians (1929)
Swanton. Tlingit Myths (1909)
Sylvester. Indian legends of Saratoga (1884)
Teit. Thompson River Indians (1898)
Thompson. European tales among the North American Indians (1919)
Thompson. Tales of the North American Indians (1929)
Thompson. Wigwam wonder tales (1919)
Thorne. Legends of the Alaskan Klingats (1909)
Tibbitts. North American Indian Legends (1890)
Using tribal legends, myths, and stories in preventing drug abuse (1978)
Voth. The Traditions of the Hopi (1905)
Wade. Indian fairy tales (1906)
Webber. Thunder Bird Legends (1936)
Whitney. Legends of the Pike's Peak region (1892)
Wilson. Indian Hero Tales (1916)
Wilson. Myths of the red children (1907)
Wilson. The Lore and the Lure of the Yosemite (1922)
Wissler. Mythology of the Blackfoot Indians (1908)
Wissler. Star Legends among the American Indians (1936)
Wolf. Indian mystery tales of coyote, animals and men (1921)
Zitkala-Sa. Old Indian Legends (1901)