Rand. Legends of the Micmacs

Today's free book is Legends of the Micmacs by Silas Tertius Rand (1894). For the table of contents, check at the bottom of this post below the image.

The book is available at Hathi Trust (I have not checked for other online sources).

Table of Contents

I. Robbery and Murder revenged
II. The Magical Dancing Doll 
III. The Magical Coat, Shoes, and Sword 
IV. Glooscap and the Megumoowesoo 
V. The Boy that was transformed into a Horse 
VI. The Magical Food, Belt, and Flute 
VII. The History of Usitebulajoo 
VIII. The History of Kitpooseagunow
IX. The Small Baby and the Big Bird 
X. The Indian who was transformed into a Megumoowesoo 
XI. The Ice Man 
XII. The Invisible Boy 
XIII. The Adventures of Kaktoogwasees 
XIV. The Honest Man and the Rogue 
XV. The Adventures of Ababegit, an Indian Chief and Magician of the Micmac Tribe 
XVI. The Kwgdechk and Wgjebowkwgjlk
XVII. The Liver-colored Giants and Magicians 
XVIII. The Solitary Maiden 
XIX. The Prince and the Peasant-Girl 
XX. The Two Weasels 
XXI. The Marvellous Adventures of Noojebokwajeejit, a Micmac Brave 
XXII. An Incident of the Wars with the Kenebek Indians . 
XXIII. Story of a Kookwes 
XXIV. The Beautiful Bride 
XXV. Adventures with a ChCnoo, or Northman 
XXVI. Origin of the War between the Micmacs and the Kwedeches 
XXVII. Kwedech War renewed 
XXVIII. The Conclusion of the Mohawk War 
XXIX. The Third Incident of the Kw6dCch War
XXX. Kwedgch Spies 
XXXI. The Returned Captive 
XXXII. The Dream of the White Robe and the Floating Island 
XXXIII. Glooscap's Departure from the Land of the Micmacs 
XXXIV. The Indian Fanatic 
XXXV. Glooscap, Kuhkw, and Coolpujot 
XXXVI. A War Story 
XXXVII. The Man who saved Himself and Wife 
XXXVIII. Stephen Hood's Dream 
XXXIX. The Death of a Spy in Cape Breton 
XL. The Hidden Life 
XLI. An Indian turned into a Chenoo 
XLII. Another Chenoo Transformation 
XLIII. Glooscap and his Four Visitors
XLIV. A Child nourished by a Bear 
XLV. Badger and his Little Brother 
XLVI. Glooscap deserted by his Comrades 
XLVII. An Indian Chief's Visit to the King of France 
XLVIII. A Little Boy catches a Whale 
XLIX. A Chapel built without Hands 
L. A Wizard carries off Glooscap's Housekeeper
LI. History of the Celebrated Chief, Ulglmoo
LI I. Attack on Fort Pesegitk' (Windsor) by the Indians
LIII. The Adventures of Ableegumooch 
LIV. The Hare assumes the Magician, and retaliates
LV. The Badger and the Star-Wives
LVI. The Story of Mimkudawogoosk (Moosewood Man)
LVII. The Story of Coolnajoo 
LVIII. Mootn and Moonumkwech (The Bear and the Woodchuck) 
LIX. Oochigeopch 
LX. Glooscap's Origin 
LXI. A War Incident 
LXII. An Army drowned by a Single Man 
LXIII. A War-party drowned by Two Women
LXIV. Indian Strategy 
LXV. The Animal-Tamers 
LXVI. The Beaver Magicians and the Big Fish
LXVII. Caught by a Hair-String 
LXVIII. Tumilkoontaoo (Broken Wing) 
LXIX. A Priest lost in the Woods with his Servant Peter
LXX. A Fairy Tale 
LXXI. A Wonderful Bull's-Hide Belt 
LXXII. The Tortoises 
LXXIII. The Loon Magician 
LXXIV. Wegooaskunoogwgjlt and his Wonderful Hen
LXXV. Pules, Pulowech', Beechkwech (Pigeon, Partridge,
and Nighthawk) 
LXXVI. The Adventures of Tornado and Wave 
LXXVII. The Orchard-Keeper 
LXXVIII. Wiskumoogwasoo and Magwis (Fish-Hawk and Scapegrace) 
LXXIX. The Whales and the Robbers 
LXXX. The Doctor 
LXXXI. The Flying Squirrel 
LXXXII. The Fairy 
LXXXIII. Upsaakumoode 
LXXX IV. The Fishers and the Beacon 
LXXXV. The King's Daughter and the Man-Servant
LXXXVI. Uskoos' and Abukcheech (Weasel and Mouse)
LXXXVII. The Three Kings