Ballard. Fairy Tales from Far Japan
Brown. Chinese Nights Entertainments
Brown. The Wisdom of the Chinese
Bryner. Thirteen Tibetan Tankas
Busk. Sagas from the Far East
Chamberlain. Aino Folktales
Chamberlain. Kojiki
Champney. Romance of Old Japan
Chivas-Baron. Legends of Annam
Davis-Chow-Leung. Chinese Fables
Davis. Myths and Legends of Japan
Fielde. Chinese Fairy Tales
Fleeson. Laos Folklore
Freeman-Mitford. Tales of Old Japan
Gale. Korean Folk Tales
Giles. Pu's Stories from a Chinese Studio
Greey. Legends of Japan
Griffis. Fairy Tales of Old Japan.
Griffis. The Wonder-Lore of Japan
Griffis. Unmannerly Tiger — Korean Tales
Griggs. Shan Folk Lore Stories (Burma)
Hasegawa. Japanese Fairy Tale series
Hearn. In Ghostly Japan
Hearn. Some Chinese Ghosts
Hinsdale Pitman. Chinese Wonder Book
James. A Book of Chinese Fairy Tales
James. Japanese Fairy Tales
Jewett. Wonder Tales from Tibet
Joly. Legend in Japanese Art
Lee. Chinese Tales Told in California
Macgowan. Chinese Folklore
Mackenzie. Myths of China and Japan
Mimosa. Tales of Burma
Morris, Charles. Japanese and ChineseTales
Nixon-Roulet. Japanese Folk Stories
O'Connor. Folk Tales from Tibet
Ozaki. Japanese Fairy Tales
Pasteur. Gods and Heroes of Old Japan
Peltier. A Japanese Garland
Pitman. Chinese Fairy Stories
Reider. Japanese Demon Lore
Rinder. Old-World Japan
Scott. Indo-Chinese Mythology
Senzaki-Reps. Gateless Gate (Zen Koans)
Shelton. Tibetan Folk Tales
Smith. Ancient Tales and Folklore of Japan
Werner. Myths and Legends of China
Whitehorn. Wonder Tales of Old Japan
Wilhelm. Chinese Fairy Book
Williston. Japanese Fairy Tales