Griffis. Stories From the Wonder-Lore of Japan

Today's free book is Japanese Fairy World. Stories From the Wonder-Lore of Japan by William Elliot Griffis. For the table of contents, check at the bottom of this post below the image.

The book is available at Project Gutenberg, Internet Archive, Hathi Trust, and Google Books. You can get a free Kindle ebook from Amazon too!

I. The Meeting of the Star Lovers.
II. The Travels of Two Frogs.
III. The Child of the Thunder.
IV. The Tongue-cut Sparrow.
V. The Fire-fly's Lovers.
VI. The Battle of the Ape and the Crab.
VII. The Wonderful Tea-Kettle.
VIII. Peach-Prince and the Treasure Island.
IX. The Fox and the Badger.
X. The Seven Patrons of Happiness.
XI. Daikoku and the Oni.
XII. Benkei and the Bell.
XIII. Little Silver's Dream of the Shoji.
XIV. The Tengus, or the Elves with Long Noses.
XV. Kintaro, or the Wild Baby.
XVI. Jiraiya, or the Magic Frog.
XVII. How the Jelly-Fish Lost its Shell.
XVIII. Lord Cuttle-Fish Gives a Concert.
XIX. Yorimasa, the Brave Archer.
XX. Watanabé cuts off the Oni's Arm.
XXI. Watanabé Kills the Great Spider.
XXII. Raiko and the Shi Ten Doji.
XXIII. The Sazayé and the Tai.
XXIV. Smells and Jingles.
XXV. The Lake of the Lute and the Matchless Mountain.
... The Waterfall of Yoro, or the Fountain of Youth.
XXVI. The Earthquake Fish.
XXVII. The Dream Story of Gojiro.
XXVIII. The Procession of Lord Long-Legs.
XXIX. Kiyohimé, or the Power of Love.
XXX. The Fisherman and the Moon-Maiden.
XXXI. The Jewels of the Ebbing and the Flowing Tide.
XXXII. Kai Riu O, or the Dragon King of the World Under the Sea.
XXXIII. The Creation of Heaven and Earth.
XXXIV. How the Sun Goddess was Enticed out of her Cave.