Culbertson. Animal Folks

Today's free book is At the Big House: Where Aunt Nancy and Aunt 'Phrony Held Forth on the Animal Folks by Anne Virginia Culbertson and illustrated by E. Warde Blaisdell. Don't be put off by the title of this book: although it is the product of a racist era, it is at the same time a powerful testimony to the interaction between African-American and Native American storytelling traditions in the American South (specially, the Eastern Cherokee of North Carolina).

For the table of contents, check at the bottom of this post below the image.

The book is available at Internet Archive, Hathi Trust, and Google Books. You can find the stories listed and linked in Diigo.

Going Down to Uncle Henry's
Mr Fox's Funeral
Mr Fox and Molly Hare Go Fishing
Mr Hare Imitates Mr Bear
The Friendship of Mr Bear and Mis Turkey
The Toad, the Grasshopper and the Rooster
Mr Terrapin Gets the Nose-Bleed
How the Possum's Tail Became Bare
Why the Possum Has Black Ears
How Mr Terrapin Lost His Beard
How Mr Terrapin Lost His Plumage and Whistle
Mis Cat and Mr Frisky Mouse
Mr Hare Tries to Get a Wife
How Mr Hare Lost His Horns
Why the Titmouse Has a Blunt Tongue
The Woman Who Married an Owl
Mr Mud-Turtle's Adventure
Why the Flounder is Flat
Brother Squirrel and Molly Hare
Mr Hare and Mr Flint Rock
Mr Wildcat Goes Turkey-Hunting
Mr Fox Turns Farmer
Canadi and the Wolves
The Story of a Giant
Why the Buzzard is Bald
Mis Goose Deceives Mr Bear
Mr Bear Tends Store for Mr Fox
A Star Story
Why Crabs Walk Backward
The Origin of the Cat
The Dragon and the Thunder
The Tlaniwa
The Possum and the Grub-Worm
Mr Bear and Mr Terrapin Go Courting
Molly Cottontail Steals Mr Fox's Butter
The Lazy Fox
Mr Hare, Mr Mink and Mis Duck
The Hummingbird and the Tobacco
Why Moles Have Hands
The Fox and the Duck
Why the Groundhog Has a Short Tail
Mr Hare, Mr Wildcat and Mr Otter
Mr Hare and Mr Elephant
The Toad and the Terrapin
The Mockingbird and the Dry-Fly
The Saucy Young Frog
The Crane and the Hummingbird
The Fox and the Hot Potatoes
The Funeral of Mr Dog
How the Deer Lost His Upper Teeth
The Hare Disappears For Ever