Hasegawa. Japanese Fairy Tale series

You can read more about Hasegawa's Japanese Fairy Tale series at Wikipedia. Not all of the books are online, but you will find many of them at Internet Archive, which is also the best way to read these books, looking at the two-page spread so you can appreciate the gorgeous illustrations. Below are the links to the editions you can enjoy online at Internet Archive, and here's an example of one of the books embedded:

1 Momotaro, or Little Peachling

2 The Tongue-Cut Sparrow

3 Battle of the Monkey and the Crab

4 The Old Man who Made the Dead Trees Blossom

5 Kachi-Kachi Mountain

6 The Mouse's Wedding

7 The Old Man and the Devils

8 Urashima, the Fisher-Boy

9 The Serpent with Eight Heads

10 The Matsuyama Mirror

11 The Hare of Inaba

12 The Cub's Triumph

13 The Silly Jelly-Fish

14 The Princes Fire-Flash and Fire-Fade

15 My Lord Bag O' Rice

16 The Wonderful Tea Kettle

17 Schippeitaro

18 The Ogre's Arm

19 The Ogres of Oyeyama
(not at Internet Archive, but I found a version at BaxleyStamps.com)

20 The Enchanted Waterfall

Series Two:

1. The Goblin Spider

2 The Wonderful Mallet
(I cannot find this one online.)

3. The Broken Images
(I cannot find this one online.)