For the table of contents, check at the bottom of this post below the image.
The book is available at the Project Gutenberg, Internet Archive, and Hathi Books. There is also a free audiobook at LibriVox, with an audio version at Lit2Go too. You can get a free Kindle eBook from Amazon, and there is also an edition at Sur La Lune Fairy Tales.

My Lord Bag of Rice
The Tongue-Cut Sparrow
The Story of Urashima Taro, the Fisher Lad
The Farmer and the Badger
The Shinasha, or the South Pointing Carriage
The Adventures of Kintaro, the Golden Boy
The Story of Princess Hase
The Story of the Man Who Did Not Wish To Die
The Bamboo-Cutter and the Moon-Child
The Mirror of Matsuyama
The Goblin of Adachigahara
The Sagacious Monkey and the Boar
The Happy Hunter and the Skillful Fisher
The Story of the Old Man Who Made Withered Trees To Flower
The Jelly Fish and the Monkey
The Quarrel of Tee Monkey and the Crab
The White Hare and the Crocodiles
The Story of Prince Yamato Take
Momotaro, or the Story of the Son of a Peach
The Ogre of Rashomon
How an Old Man Lost His Wen
The Stones of Five Colors and the Empress Jokwa