Spence. Myths of Mexico and Peru

Today's free book is The Myths of Mexico and Peru by Lewis Spence. For the table of contents, check at the bottom of this post below the image.

The book is available at Project Gutenberg, Internet Archive, Sacred Texts, Hathi Trust, and Google Books. You can get a free Kindle ebook from Amazon too!

CHAPTER I: The Civilisation of Mexico

The Civilisations of the New World
Evidence of Animal and Plant Life
Origin of American Man
Traditions of Intercourse with Asia
Legends of European Intercourse
The Legend of Madoc
American Myths of the Discovery
A Peruvian Prophecy
The Prophecy of Chilan Balam
The Type of Mexican Civilisation
The Mexican Race
Legends of Mexican Migration
The Toltec Upheaval
Artificial Nature of the Migration Myths
Myths of the Toltecs
Legends of Toltec Artistry
The House of Feathers
Huemac the Wicked
The Plagues of the Toltecs
King Acxitl
A Terrible Visitation
Fall of the Toltec State
The Chichimec Exodus
The Disappearance of the Toltecs
Did the Toltecs Exist?
A Persistent Tradition
A Nameless People
Toltec Art
Other Aboriginal Peoples
The Cliff-dwellers
The Nahua Race
The Aculhuaque
The Tecpanecs
The Aztecs
The Aztec Character
Legends of the Foundation of Mexico
Mexico at the Conquest
A Pyramid of Skulls
Nahua Architecture and Ruins
Cyclopean Remains
The Hill of Flowers
Interpretation of the Hieroglyphs
Native Manuscripts
The Interpretative Codices
The Mexican "Book of the Dead"
The Calendar System
The Mexican Year
Lunar Reckoning
Groups of Years
The Dread of the Last Day
The Birth-Cycle
Language of the Nahua
Aztec Science
Nahua Government
Domestic Life
A Mysterious Toltec Book
A Native Historian
Nahua Topography
Distribution of the Nahua Tribes
Nahua History
Bloodless Battles
The Lake Cities
The Tecpanecs
The Aztecs
The Aztecs as Allies
New Powers

CHAPTER II: Mexican Mythology

Nahua Religion
The Sources of Mexican Mythology
The Romance of the Lost "Sahagun"
The Worship of One God
Tezcatlipoca, Overthrower of the Toltecs
Myths of Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca
Tezcatlipoca and the Toltecs
The Departure of Quetzalcoatl
Tezcatlipoca as Doomster
The Teotleco Festival
The Toxcatl Festival
Huitzilopochth, the War God
The War God as Fertiliser
Tlaloc, the Rain God
Sacrifices to Tlaloc
The Man of the Sun
Various Forms of Quetzalcoatl
Quetzalcoatl's Northern Origin
The Worship of Quetzalcoatl
The Maize-Gods of Mezico
The Sacrifice of the Dancer
An Antiquarian Mare's-Nest
The Offering to Centeotl
Importance of the Food-Gods
Nanaliuatl, or Nanauatzin
The Fire-God
Worship of the Planet Venus
Sustaining the Sun
A Mexican Valhalla
The Feast of Totec
Macuilxochitl, or Xochipilli
Father and Mother Gods
The Pulque-Gods
The Goddesses of Mexico: Metztli
The Aztec Priesthood
Priestly Revenues
Orders of the Priesthood
An Exacting Ritual

CHAPTER III: Myths and Legends of the Ancient Mexicans

The Mexican Idea of the Creation
Ixtlilxochitl's Legend of the Creation
Creation-Story of the Mixtecs
Zapotec Creation Myth
The Mexican Noah
The Myth of the Seven Caverns
The Sacrificed Princess
The Fugitive Prince
Maxtla the Fierce
A Romantic Escape
A Thrilling Pursuit
The Defeat of Maxtla
The Solon of Anahuac
Nezahualcoyotl's Theology
The Poet Prince
The Queen with a Hundred Lovers
The Golden Age of Tezcuco
A Fairy Villa
The Noble Tlascalan
The Haunting Mothers
The Return of Papantzin
Papantzin's Story

CHAPTER IV: The Maya Race and Mythology

The Maya
Were the Maya Toltecs?
The Maya Kingdom
The Maya Dialects
Whence came the Maya?
Civilisation of the Maya
The Zapotecs
The Huasteca
The Type of Maya Civilisation
Maya History
The Nucleus of Maya Power
Early Race Movements
The Settlement of Yucatan
The Septs of Yucatan
The Cocomes
Flight of the Tutul Xius
The Revolution In Mayapan
Hunac Eel
The Last of the Cocomes
The Maya Peoples of Guatemala
The Maya Tulan
Doubtful Dynasties
The Coming of the Spaniards
The Riddle of Ancient Maya Writing
The Maya Manuscripts
The System of the Writing
Clever Elucidations
Methods of Study
The Maya Numeral System
Mythology of the Maya
Quetzalcoatl among the Maya
An Alphabet of Gods
Difficulties of Comparison
The Conflict between Light and Darkness
The Calendar
Traditional Knowledge of the Gods
Maya Polytheism
The Bat-God
Modern Research: Maize-God, Sun-God, God with the Ornamented Nose, Old Black God, Travellers' God, God of Unlucky Days, Frog God
Maya Architecture
Methods of Building
No Knowledge of the Arch
Pyramidal Structures
Definiteness of Design
Architectural Districts
Fascination of the Subject
Mysterious Palenque
An Architectural Curiosity
The Temple of Inscriptions
Aké and Itzamal
The House of Darkness
The Palace of Owls
Itzamna's Fane
Bearded Gods
A Colossal Head
The Nunnery
The "Writing in the Dark"
The Dwarf's House
The Legend of the Dwarf
The Mound of Sacrifice
The Phantom City
The Horse-God
A Place of Sepulture
An Old Description of Mitla
Human Sacrifice at Mitla
Living Sacrifices
The Cavern of Death
Palace of the High-Priest
Furniture of the Temples

CHAPTER V: Myths of the Maya

Mythology of the Maya
The Lost "Popol Vuh"
Genuine Character of the Work
Likeness to other Pseudo-Histories
The Creation Story
Vukub-Cakix, the Great Macaw
The Earth-Giants
The Undoing of Zipacna
The Discomfiture of Cabrakan
The Second Book
A Challenge from Hades
The Fooling of the Brethren
The Princess Xquiq
The Birth of Hun-Apu and Xbalanque
The Divine Children
The Magic Tools
The Second Challenge
The Tricksters Tricked
The Houses of the Ordeals
The Reality of Myth
The Xibalbans
The Third Book
The Granting of Fire
The Kiche Babel
The Last Days of the First Men
Death of the First Men
American Migrations
Cosmogony of the "Popol Vuh"
Antiquity of the "Popol Vuh"
The Father-Mother Gods
Hun-Apu and Xbalanque
Vukub-Cakix and his Sons
Metrical Origin of the "Popol Vuh"
Pseudo-History of the Kiche
Queen Móo
The Funeral Chamber
The Frescoes
The Soothsayers
The Royal Bride
Móo's Refusal
The Rejected Suitor
Aac's Fierce Wooing
Prince Cob
The Murder of Cob
The Widowhood of Móo
The Manuscript Troano

CHAPTER VI: The Civilisation of Old Peru

Old Peru
The Country
The Andeans
A Strange Site
Sacsahuaman and Ollantay
The Dramatic Legend of Ollantay
The Love Story of Curi-Coyllur
Mother and Child
The Races of Peru
The Coming of the Incas
The Quichua-Aymara
The Four Peoples
The Coming of Manco Ccapac
The Peruvian Creation-Story
Local Creation-Myths
The Character of Inca Civilisation
An Absolute Theocracy
A Golden Temple
The Great Altar
Planetary Temples
The Mummies of Peru
Laws and Customs
The Peruvian Calendar
The Festivals
The Llama
Architecture of the Incas
Unsurpassed Workmanship
The Temple of Viracocha
Mysterious Chimu
The Palace
The Civilisation of Chimu
Irrigation Works
A Singular Discovery
The Chibchas
A Severe Legal Code
A Strange Mnemonic System
Practical Use of the Quipos
The Incas as Craftsmen
Historical Sketch of the Incan Peruvians
The Inca Monarchs
The First Incas
Viracocha the Great
The Plain of Blood
The Conquest of Middle Peru
Fusion of Races
Two Branches of the Incas
The Laws of Pachacutic
"The Gibbet"
Huaina Ccapac
The Inca Civil War
A Dramatic Situation
A Worthless Despotism

CHAPTER VII: The Mythology of Peru

The Religion of Ancient Peru
Worship of Stones
The Mamas
The Huamantantac
The Oracles of the Andes
Lake-Worship in Peru
The Lost Island
The Thunder God of Peru
The Great God Pachacamac
Peruvian Creation-Stories
Ideas of Creation
Pacari Tampu
Worship of the Sea
Sun-Worship in Peru
The Sun's Possessions
Inca Occupation of Titicaca
Pilgrimages to Titicaca
Sacrifices to the New Sun
The Citoc Raymi
Human Sacrifice in Peru
Methods of Medicine-Men
Death by Suffocation
The Obsequies of a Chief
Peruvian Myths
The Vision of Yupanqui
The Bird Bride
A Myth of Manco Ccapac Inca
Coniraya Viracocha
The Llama's Warning
The Myth of Huathlacuri