Howard. Famous Indian Chiefs

Today's free book is Famous Indian Chiefs I Have Known by Oliver Otis Howard. For the table of contents, check at the bottom of this post below the image.

You can read about Oliver Otis Howard at Wikipedia; I was inspired to include this book because William Vollmann's recent novel (2015), Dying Grass, is about the war that General Howard waged against the Nez Perce.

The book is available at the Baldwin Project, Internet Archive, Hathi Trust, and Google Books.

Billy Bowlegs and the Everglades of Florida
Antonio and Antonito
Santos, and Eskiminzeen the Stammerer
Pedro, Eskeltesela and One-eyed Miguel
Cochise, the Chiricahua Apache Chief
Manuelito: a Navajo War Chief
Captain Jack, Chief of the Modoc Indians
Alaska Indian Chiefs
The Great War Chief Joseph of the Nez Perces
Moses, a Great War Chief Who Knew When Not to Fight
Winnemucca, Chief of the Piutes
Toc-me-to-ne, an Indian Princess
Mattie, the Daughter of Chief Shenkah
Chief Egan of the Malheurs
Lot, a Spokane Chief
Red Cloud
Sitting-Bull, the Great Dakota Leader
Washakie, Shoshone Chief and Friend of White Men
Homili, Chief of the Walla Wallas
Cut-mouth John
Geronimo, the Last Apache Chief on the War-path