Jacobs. Clackamas Chinook myths and tales

Today's free book is The content and style of an oral literature: Clackamas Chinook myths and tales by Melville Jacobs (1959). For the table of contents, check at the bottom of this post below the image.

The book is available at Hathi Trust (I have not checked for other online sources).

Table of Contents

I. Coyote and Skunk. He Tied His Musk Sac 
II. Badger and Coyote Were Neighbors 
III. Fire and His Son's Son 
IV. Grizzly and Black Bear Ran Away with the Two Girls 
V. Grizzly Woman Killed People 
VI. Flint and His Son's Son 
VII. Awl and Her Son's Son 
VIII. Idya'bix^aSfaS