Skinner. Mascoutens or Prairie Potawatomi

Today's free book is The Mascoutens or Prairie Potawatomi Indians by Alanson Skinner (1924). For the table of contents, check at the bottom of this post below the image.

The book is available at Hathi Trust (I have not checked for other online sources).

Tonantzin sculpture
by sculptor Jim Wahwassuck

Table of Contents

Ceremonial activities 
General feasting rules for all ceremonies 
Clan and bundle origins and ceremonies 

Origin of the fish clan and bundle 
Origin myth 
Quarterly medicine renewing ceremony of the fish clan 
The tattooing rite of the fish clan 
Bundle songs 
Chants of the fish clan 
Dance songs 

Origin of the ocean (or great sea) clan and bundle 
Origin myth 
Contents of the great sea clan bundle 

Origin of the bald eagle clan and bundle 
Origin myth 
Adoption and naming ceremony 
Bald eagle clan songs 
Bald eagle dance songs 

Origin of the thunder clan and bundle 
Origin myth 
A thunder clan bundle 
Thunder clan chants 

Origin of the duck-hawk clan and bundle 
Origin myth 
Duck-hawk clan chants 

Origin of the buffalo clan and bundle 
Origin myth 
Buffalo doctor's bundle 
Archaic version of the origin of the buffalo clan bundle 
Chants of the buffalo bundle 
Concluding rites of the buffalo bundle 

Origin of the bear clan and bundle 
Origin myth 
Contents of the bear bundle 
Chants of the bear bundle 

Origin of the wolf clan and bundle 
Origin myth 
Chants of the wolf bundle 

Origin of the warrior clan and bundle 
Origin myth 
Chants of the warrior bundle 

Origin of the man or human clan and bundle 
Origin myth 
War usages of the human clan 
Further rules of the human or man clan 
Mat making 
Chants of the man bundle 

Origin of the man-of-the-woods bundle 
Origin myth 
Chants of the man-of-the-woods bundle 

The chief's bundle 
Origin myth 

The origin of the horse bundle 
Origin myth 

Origin of the "wounded" bundle 
Origin myth 
Rules of the "wounded" bundle 
Chants of the "wounded" bundle