Speck. Wawenock Myth Texts

Today's free book is Wawenock Myth Texts from Maine by Frank G. Speck. For the table of contents, check at the bottom of this post below the image.

The book is available at Project Gutenberg (I have not checked for other online sources).

Table of Contents

Gluskα̨be´ the Transformer
Gluskα̨be´ creates himself and competes with the Creator
The Turtle insults the chief of the Birds; Gluskα̨be´ helps him to escape; mountains are created; and again Turtle escapes by getting his captors to throw him into the water, but is finally killed
Gluskα̨be´ becomes angry with the birch tree and marks it for life
How a hunter encountered Bmule´, visited his country and obtained a boon
The origin and use of wampum
Wawenock drinking song