Phillips. Sandman: His Indian Stories

Today's free book is The Sandman: His Indian Stories by Walter Shelley Phillips (1918), with illustrations by the author. For the table of contents, check at the bottom of this post below the image.

The book is available at Hathi Trust (I have not checked for other online sources).

Table of Contents

Why the Coyote Has a Rough Gray Coat
How Wolf Robe Got His Name
Why Crawfish Lives in the Water
The Story or Zint-kal-la Nuni 
The Quarrel Between the Sun and the Moon
What Little Indian Girls Had to Learn 
How Rabbit Lost His Long Tail
Neet-sah-ta-pi and How He Got His Magic
How the First-of-all Things Came to Be 
How Neet-sah-ta-pi Gor His Wife
How Rabbit Caught the Sun in a Trap 
Neet-sah-ta-pi Becomes a Medicine Man 
How Panther and Lynx Came to Quarrel
The Story of O-ta-o and The-many-things Unknown
The Race Between the Deer and the Antelope
K’sa-pa, the Sioux Boy
The Quarrel Between the Coyote and the Rattlesnake 
How I-kai-shi Became the Eagle Killer
How Those Mean Ones Were Punished 
The Maker of the Picture Writings
How the Frog Was Punished
How Coyote Lost His Magic Power 
Why Coyote Has a Gray Tail 
Why the Buzzard Has No Feathers on Hrs Head