Tibbitts. North American Indian Legends

Today's free book is Folk-lore and legends, North American Indian by C. W. Tibbitts (1890). For the table of contents, check at the bottom of this post below the image.

The book is available at Hathi Trust (I have not checked for other online sources).

Table of Contents

The Girl who Married the Pine-tree
A Legend of Manabozho
The Discovery of the Upper World
The Boy who Snared the Sun
The Maid in the Box
The Spirits and the Lovers
The Wonderful Rod
The Funeral Fire
The Legend of O-na-wut-a-qut-o
Manabozho in the Fish’s Stomach
The Sun and the Moon
The Snail and the Beaver
The Strange Guests
Manabozho and his Toe
The Girl who Became a Bird
The Undying Head,
The Old Chippeway
Mukumik! Mukumik! Mukumik!
The Swing by the Lake
The Fire Plume
The Journey to the Island of Souls
Machinitou, the Evil Spirit
The Woman of Stone
The Maiden who Loved a Fish
The Lone Lightning
The Evil Maker
Manabozho the Wolf
The Man-fish