Lang. Tales of the Greek seas

Today's free book is Tales of the Greek seas by Andrew Lang (1909) illustrated by H. J. Ford. For the table of contents, check at the bottom of this post below the image.

The book is available at Hathi Trust (I have not checked for other online sources).

Table of Contents

The Wanderings of Ulysses
The Slaying of Agamemnon and the Sorrows of Ulysses
The Enchantress Circe, The Land of the Dead, The Sirens
The Whirlpool, The Sea Monsters, and the Cattle of the Sun
How Telemachus Went to Seek his Father
How Ulysses Escaped from the Island of Calypso
How Ulysses was Wrecked, Yet Reached Phaeacia
How Ulysses Came to His Own Country, and for Safety Disguised Himself as an Old Beggar Man
Ulysses Comes Disguised as a Beggar to His Own Palace
The Slaying of the Wooers
The End

The Fleece of Gold
The Children of the Cloud
The Search for the Fleece
The Winning of the Fleece