Paton. Fairy Mythology of Arthurian Romance

Today's free book is Studies in the Fairy Mythology of Arthurian Romance by Lucy Allen Paton (1960). For the table of contents, check at the bottom of this post below the image.

The book is available at Hathi Trust (I have not checked for other online sources).

Table of Contents

I. The Fairy Queen
II. Morgain's Hostility to Arthur
Section I, The Fairy Induction
Section II, The Fight between Arthur and Accalon
Section III, Morgain's Shape-Shifting
III. The Sojourn of Arthur in Avalon
IV. Morgain's Retention of Renoart, Lancelot, and Alisander l'Orphelin
Section I, Renoart
Section II, Lancelot
Section III, Alisander l'Orphelin
V. Morgain and Guiomar
VI. Morgain and Ogier le Danois
VII. The Val sanz Retor
VIII. Morgain in the Horn and Mantle Tests
IX. Morgain and Auberon
X. Morgain, the Sister of Arthur
XI. Morgain la Fee
XII. La Dame du Lac
Section I, The Nature of the Dame du Lac
Section II, The Fairy Guardian of Lancelot
Section III, Morgain and the Dame du Lac
Section IV, Confusions in the Tradition of the Dame du Lac
XIII. Niniane and Merlin
XIV. La Damoisele Cacheresse
XV. The Three Important Fays of Arthurian Romance

I. Morgain in French Sources of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries
II. A List of the Sources for the Traditions of Morgain la Fee, the Dame du Lac, and Niniane
III. Morgan Tud
IV. The Diana Myth and Fairy Tradition