M. A. B. Bible stories in words of one syllable

Today's free book is Bible stories in words of one syllable by M. A. B. (1895). For the table of contents, check at the bottom of this post below the image.

The book is available at UFDC (I have not checked for other online sources).

Table of Contents

God made the world
Eve and her sin
The first death
The good man Enoch and the sad...
Noah comes out of the ark
Man still proud and bad
A-bra-ham, the man of faith
The two towns that were burnt
A-bra-ham sends for a wife for...
Old I-saac
Leah and Ra-chel
Ja-cob and his sons
The King's dreams
Le-ah's sons go to buy corn
The ten men go once more to...
Ja-cob goes to E-gypt
The hard tasks
More of Mo-ses
Mo-ses sent by God
The plagues of E-gypt
The Red Sea
God gave the law
Moses once more in the Mount
The spies
The snakes
Ba-la-am's ass
The death of Moses
Josh-u-a took Mo-ses' place
The men who came to cheat the men...
The jud-ges
Gi-de-on's fleece
God is with Gideon
The strong man Sam-son
The birth of Sam-u-el
The Ark in the camp
The Ark sent back
Saul the king
Saul's death
David made king
The wise king
The Jews in a strange land
The Jews come back to their own land