The book is available at Hathi Trust (I have not checked for other online sources).

Bulu Folk-Tales
1. The Pangolin and the Leopard
2. The Young Pangolin and the Pig Family
3. How Turtle Deceived Leopard into Eating His own Mother
4. How the Muon Monkey Destroyed Himself
5. How People Suffer Because They Rsent a Change
6. The Evil of Too Much Talk
7. The Evil of Disregarding the Taboo of the Witch Dog
8. Turtle Surpasses Man in Ingenuity
9. Akpwe the Viper Pays for His Deception
10. The Animals Perish Because They Refuse to Listen to Nyok the Hyrax
11. How Turtle Threw Leopard in Wrestling
12. How Turtle Saved His Life
13. Turtle Drinks at the Expense of the Other Beasts
14. The Two Lepers
15. How Okpweng Got His Language
16. How Deceitful Boy was Punished
17. Mole and Lemur
18. Turtle and Mian the Antelope Dispute
19. How Wife Leopard Failed to Get Monkey to Eat
20. How Turtle Got Even with Eagle
21. Turtle and His Drum Escape Leopard
22. Who Was Responsible for the Trouble
23. Mba the Turaco Shows That He is Richer than Elephant
24. How Leopard's Foolishness Killed Him
25. How Lemur Would Have Killed Himself
26. Small Hornbill Proves that He Is Stronger than the Birds
27. How Okpwa Obtained Pangolin's Daughter in Marriage
28. How Youth Came to Nothing
29. How Turtle's Greed Brought Him to a Sad End
30. How Bat Got the Honey
31. How Bat Threw Elephant in Wrestling
32. Why the Vines Are Holding and Choking the Forest
33. Man Kills His Own Child
34. Why Small Bird Died
35. How Porcupine Got Even with Turtle
Bulu Tales
1. What Happens to Wives When They Think More Highly of Anything Else Than of Their Husbands
2. Turtle Deceives Zoe the Civet Cat, Giving Leopard the Blame for Stealing Zoe's Daughter
3. How Turtle Inherited Leopard's Goods
4. How Knowledge Spoils Friendship
5. Hyrax's Advice Falls on Deaf Ears
6. Do the Things You Can Do
7. Dog Tries To Do Same as Elephant, and Gets Burned
8. Why the Sheep Are Always Found Guilty
9. Why Pangolin Dwells Alone in the Forest
10. Young Okpweng the Antelope Learns Obedient at the Cost of His Life
11. How Pigeon Learned That No Man Stands Alone
12. How Turtle Got All Leopard's Food
13. How Men First Learned to Quarrel
14. Never Tell the Things of Taboo You Happen to See