Tales of the classics

Today's free book is Tales of the classics (1830), "by a lady, for the amusement and instruction of her own daughters." For the table of contents, check at the bottom of this post below the image.

The book is available at Hathi Trust (I have not checked for other online sources).

Table of Contents

Volume 1
Chaos—The Creation
The Golden Age
The Silver Age
The Brazen Age
The Iron Age
The Wars of the Giants
The Council of the Gods
The Deluge
Deucalion and Pyrrha
Python slain by Apollo
Apollo and Daphne
Adventures of Io
Death of the Thessalian Coronis—Birth of Esculapius
Mercury and Battus
The Loves of Mercury and Herse
Jupiter and Europa
Cadmus in Search of his Sister Europa

Volume 2
Voyage of the Argonauts
The Argonauts at Colchis
The Golden Fleece obtained—The Argonauts return to Colchis
AEson restored to the Vigour of Youth
Medea destroys Pelias, Creon, and her own Children
Origin of the herb Myoctonon or Aconite
The Myrmidons
Cephalus and Procris
Siege of Megara
The Minotaur—The Crown of Ariadne
Daedalus and Icarus
The Calydonian Boar
Death of Meleager
The Grotto of Achelous
Lelex relates the Story of Baucis and Philemon
Achelous relates the Story of Erisichthon
Dejanira disputed by her lovers
Marriage and Death of Hercules
Alcmena discoursing with Iole about the Birth of Hercules
Caunus and Biblis
Orpheus and Eurydice
Death of Orpheus
Celestial Cupbearers
Atalanta and Hippomenes
The Walls of Troy
Marriage of Peleus and Thetis
Chione and Daedalion
The Petrified Wolf
Parting of Ceyx and Halcyone
Cavern of Somnus—Metamorphosis of Ceyx and Halcyone
Metamorphosis of Æsacus
Iphigenia -
Cycnus and Achilles

Volume 3
Battle of the Lapithae and the Centaurs
Death of Achilles—Description of his armour
Ajax pleads for tbe arms of Achilles
Ulysses pleads for the arms of Achilles
Death of Ajax
The Fall of Troy
Treachery of Polyranestor—Death of Hecuba
Memnon .
tineas at the island of Delos
Voyage of ..Eneas to Sicily .
Scylla and Glaucus
Aeneas and the Cumaean Sibyl
Hogs in the Palace of Circe
Turnus sends an embassy to Diomedes
Apulus and nymphs—Death of Aeneas
Pomona and Vertumnus
Romulus and Rome
Crotona founded by Myscellus
Pythagoras teaches the Metempsychosis
Numa, Egeria, Virbius
Metamorphosis of Egeria—Cippus
AEsculapius conducted to Rome
Julius Caesar
Cupid and Psyche
Osiris and Isis
Osiris and Isis. Part the Second
Conquests of Bacchus
Bacchus returns from his conquests
The Twelve Labours of Hercules
Other adventures of Hercules
Venus Urania and Adonis