The book is available at Hathi Trust (I have not checked for other online sources).

Table of Contents
The Fox and the Grapes
The Bowman and the Lion
The Wolf and the Crane
The Boy and the Scorpion
The Fox and the Goat
The Widow and the Hen
The Kid and the Wolf
The Two Wallets
The Fisherman Piping
The Man and the Satyr
The Flies and the Honey-pot
The Mouse and the Frog
The Dog and the Shadow
The Fox and the Lion
The Wolf and the Lamb
The Bear and the Fox
The Country Mouse and the Town Mouse
The Dog, the Cock and the Fox
The Lion and the Mouse
The Gull and the Kite
The Pomegranate, the Apple and the Bramble
The Tortoise and the Eagle
The Hare and the Tortoise
The Hen and the Cat
The Shepherd-boy and the Wolf
The Sick Stag
The Moon and Her Mother
The Ass and the Grasshoppers
The Fox and the Woodman
The Lamb and the Wolf
Jupiter and the Camel
The Crab and Her Mother
The One-eyed Doe
The Lion and the Fox
The Travellers and the Bear
The Collier and the Fuller
The Lion, the Ass and the Fox Hunting.
The Ass and the Lap-dog
The Wind and the Sun
The Lion in Love
The Dolphins and the Sprat
The Wolves and the Sheep
The Belly and the Members
Hercules and the Waggoner
The Fox without a Tail
The Farthing Rushlight
The Hares and the Frogs
The Lioness
The Angler and the Little Fish
The Farmer and His Sons
The Husbandman and the Stork
The Old Woman and the Physician
The Swallow and the Raven
The Monkey and the Dolphin
The Wolf and the Sheep
The Bundle of Sticks
The Widow and the Sheep
The Man and the Lion
The Man Bitten By a Dog
The Horse and the Stag
The Birdcatcher and the Lark
The Mischievous Dog
The Travellers and the Plane-tree
Jupiter, Neptune, Minerva and Momus
Mercury and the Woodman
The Geese and the Cranes
Jupiter and the Bee
The Goatherd and the Goats
The Marriage of the Sun
The Gnat and the Bull
The Eagle and the Arrow
The Dog in the Manger
The Lion, the Bear and the Fox
The Goose with the Golden Eggs
The Lion and the Dolphin
The Fox and the Hedgehog
The Trumpeter Taken Prisoner
The Fir-tree and the Bramble
The Fisherman
The Ass and His Masters
The Doctor and His Patient
The Two Pots
The Lion and the Goat
The Wolf and the Shepherd
The Travellers and the Hatchet
The Ass, the Fox and the Lion
The Lion and Ass Hunting
The Ass and His Driver
The Mice and the Weasels
The Hart and the Vine
The Farmer and His Two Daughters
The Horse and the Loaded Ass
The Sick Lion
The Eagle and the Jackdaw
The Thirsty Pigeon
The Heifer and the Ox
The Bald Knight
The Fox and the Stork
The Falconer and the Partridge
The Bull and the Goat
The Husbandman and the Sea
The Jackass in Office
The Wolf and the Lion
The Hound and the Hare
The Kid and the Wolf
The Quack Frog
The Ant and the Dove
The Ass in the Lion's Skin
The Goat and the Goatherd
The Boy Bathing
The Farmer and the Dogs
The Farmer and the Lion
The Charger and the Ass
The Brazier and His Dog
Venus and the Cat
The Great and the Little Fishes
The Wolf and the Goat
The Ass, the Cock and the Lion
The Rivers and the Sea
The Ass Carrying Salt
The Blackamoor
The Sea-side Travellers
The Leopard and the Fox
The Monkey and the Fisherman
The Eagle and the Beetle
The Man and His Two Wives
The Vine and the Goat
The Sick Kite
The Ass's Shadow
The Dogs and the Hides
The Lion and the Bulls
The Raven and the Swan
The Shepherd and the Sea
The Swallow in Chancery
The Old Woman and Her Maids
The Miser
The Wild Boar and the Fox
The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
The Boasting Traveller
The Wolf and the Horse
The Hunter and the Woodman
The Blind Man and the Whelp
The Porker and the Sheep
The Monkey and the Camel
The Horse and the Groom
The Fawn and His Mother
The Cat and the Mice
The Nurse and the Wolf
The Mule
The Wolf and the Shepherds
Mercury and the Sculptor
The Astronomer
The Creaking Wheels
The Countryman and the Snake
The Viper and the File
The Mole and Her Mother
The Man, the Horse, the Ox and the Dog
The War-horse and the Miller
The Kites and the Swans
The Fowler and the Viper
The Horse and His Rider
The Camel
The Crab and the Fox
The Walnut-tree
The Thieves and the Cock
The Thief and the Innkeeper
The Jackdaw and the Doves
The Crow and Mercury
The Crow and the Serpent
The Crow and the Raven
The Swan and the Goose
The Two Dogs
The Dogs and the Fox
The Dog's House
The Dog and the Oyster
The Gnat and the Lion
The Hares and the Foxes
The Fox and the Monkey
The Monkey Who Would Be King
The Manslayer
The Frogs and the Well
The Wise and Foolish Frogs
The Labourer and the Snake
The Peasant and the Apple-tree
The Philosopher, the Ants and Mercury
The Oaks and Jupiter
The Oak and the Woodcutters
The Olive-tree and the Fig-tree
The Dancing Monkeys
The Rich Man and the Tanner
The Shepherd and the Wolf
The Shepherd and the Sheep
The Wasps, the Partridges and the Farmer
The Peacock and the Crane
The Flea and the Wrestler
The Flea and the Man
The Flea and the Ox
The Hares and the Lions
The Kingdom of the Lion
The Lion and the Hare
The Lion, the Wolf and the Fox
The Lion, the Mouse and the Fox
The Wild Ass and the Lion
The Lion, Jupiter and the Elephant
The Lion and the Bull
The Wolves and the Sheep-dogs
The Wolf and the Lion
The Prophet Aesop
The Spendthrift and the Swallow
The Bat and the Weasels
The Traveller and Fortune
The Ass and His Purchaser
The Ass and the Frogs
The Ass and the Wolf
The Hen and the Swallow
The Swollen Fox
The Fishermen
The Fox and the Bramble
The Game-cocks and the Partridge
The Owl and the Birds
The Frog and the Ox
The Arab and the Camel
The Hare and the Hound
The Farmer and the Crane
The Hunter and the Fisherman
The Beeves and the Butchers
The Dog and His Master
The Lark and Her Young Ones
The Lion and the Eagle
Jupiter and the Monkey
The Playful Ass
The Bird-catcher, the Partridge and the Cock
The Mouse and the Bull
The Frogs asking for a King
The Vain Jackdaw
The Cow, the Goat, the Sheep and the Lion
The Fox and the Mask
The Hare and the Sparrow
The Monkey Holding Court
The Stag at the Pool
The Cobbler Turned Doctor
The Ass and the Old Shepherd
The Stag and the Sheep
The Puppies and Their Mother
The Old Lion
The Faithful Dog
The Dog and the Crocodile
The Frogs and the Fighting Bulls
The Kite and the Pigeons
The Eagle, the Cat and the Wild Sow
The Mules and the Robbers
The Stag in the Ox-stall
The Old Hound
The Old Woman and the Wine-jar
The Panther and the Shepherds
The Monkey's Face
Aesop and the young rowdy
The Fly and the Draught-mule
The House-dog and the Wolf
The Cripple and the Bully
The Bees, the Drones and the Wasp
Aesop at Play
The Grasshopper and the Owl
The Trees Under the Protection of the Gods
The Peacock and Juno
Asop and the impertinent fellow
The She-goats and Their Beards
The Helmsman and the Sailors
The Mountain in Labour
The Two Soldiers and the Robber
The Bald Man and the Fly
The Mountebank and the Countryman
The Bull and the Calf
The Trees and the Axe
The Snail and the Monkey
The Lion and the Shepherd
The Horse and the Ass
The Birds, the Beasts and the Bat
The Apes and the Two Travellers
The Stork, the Goose and the Hawk
The Crow and the Sheep
The Horse and the Ass
The Flea and the Camel
The Eagle and the Kite
The Swallow and the Other Birds
The Partridge and the Fox
jEsop and the Runaway Slave
The Cock and the Cats Who Bore His Litter
The Famished Bear
The Snake and the Lizard
The Boy and the Thief
The Crow and the Water Jar
The Fly and the Chariot
The Eel and the Snake
The Fish That Leaped From the Frying-pan
The Youth and the Old Man
The Stream and Its Source
The River Shark Who Would Be King of the Ocean
The Bear and His Mate
The Mice in Council
The Abbot and the Flea
The Crane Who Quarreled With His Mate
The Toad and the Frog
The Cat and the Stork
The Bird of Saint Martin
The Cat's Beautiful Wife
The Frog's Beautiful Son
The Ass Pretending That He Was Ill
The Wolf and the Hare
Gold and Lead
The Lock and the Key
The Frog and the Crab
The Miller, His Son and Their Ass
The Fowler and the Pigeons
The Tiger and the Traveller
The Jackal, the Deer and the Crow
The Vulture, the Cat and the Birds
Golden-skin, the Mouse
The Death of the Greedy Jackal
The Old Jackal and the Elephant
The Monkey and the Wedge
The Washerman's Jackass
The Cat Who Served the Lion
The Terrible Bell
The Black Snake and the Golden Chain
The Lion and the Old Hare
The Weaver Birds and the Monkeys
The Ass in a Tiger's Skin
The Dyed Jackal
The Herons and the Mongoose
The Hermit and the Mouse
The Crane and the Crab
The Brahman and the Pans
The Brahman and the Three Goats
The Camel, the Lion and His Court
The Frogs and the Old Serpent
The Sparrow, the Woodpecker, the Fly, the Frog and the Elephant
The Mouse Metamorphosed into a Girl
The Lion and the Jackal
The Monkey and the Crocodile
The Frog and the Serpent
The Lioness, the Whelps and the Little Jackal
The Two Fishes and the Frog
The Bird With Two Beaks
The Brahman Saved By a Crab
The Story of the Mouse Merchant
The Merchant's Son and the Iron Scales
The Monkeys, the Firefly and the Bird
The Servant Who Looked After a Door
The Servants Who Kept the Rain Off the Trunks
The Snake With Two Heads
The Brahman and the Mongoose
The Discontented Ox
The Stupto Monkeys
The Judas Tree
The Otters and the Jackal
The Seeds and the Wheat
The Camel and the Rat
The Camel and the Ass
The Dog and the Loaf of Bread
The Camel and the Shrub
The Red Wasp and the Honey-bee
The Peacock, the Crow and the Tortoise
The Young Fox and His Mother
The Firefly
The Young Camel and His Mother
Abdul Aziz and the Pearl
The Rain-drop
The Vulture and the Kite
The Greedy Cat
The Camel Driver and the Snake
The Blind Man and the Snake
The Bittern and the Mussel
The Fox and the Tiger
The Locust, the Beetle, the Goldfinch and the Hunter
The King and the Horses That Turned the Mills
The Crow and the Peacock
The Crows and the Owls
The Folly of Avarice
The Violet and the Iris
The Sun's Waning Glory
The Vain Cereals
The Watermelon
The Highwayman and the Priest
The Big Fish and the Frogs
The Plum, the Prune and the Apricot
The Planter and the Pomegranate
The Fig-tree and His Branches
The Thorn and the Vine
The Trees Choosing a King
The Prince and the Flea
The Fox and the Icicle
The Thirty-two Teeth
The Two Kings At War
Verbatim from Boileau
The Lost Camel
The Spectacles
The Young Lady and the Looking-glass
The Man and the Flea
The Hare and Many Friends
The Turkey and the Ant
The Boy and the Rainbow
The Farmer's Wife and the Raven
The Quarrelsome Cats
The Boys and the Frogs "293
Echo and the Owl
The Fly in St. Paul's Cupola
The Spider and the Silkworm
The Two Lizards
The Boy and the Filberts
The Boy and the Nettle
The Stars and the Sky-rocket
The Kingfisher and the Sparrow
The Humming-bird and the Traveller
The Chameleon James Merrick
The Bears and the Bees
The Nightingale and the Glow-worm
The Lily and the Rose
The Butterfly and the Bee
The Mountain and the Squirrel
Six Men Of Indostan
Three Bugs
The Chicken's Mistake
The Crow's Children
The Envious Wren
They Didn't Think
Death and the Woodman
The Fox and the Stork
The Cock and the Pearl
The Oak and the Reed
The Council Held by the Rats
The Bat and the Two Weasels
The Fox and the Raven
The Saying of Socrates
The Hare's Ears
The Cock, the Cat and the Young Mouse
The Mule Who Boasted of His Family
The Hare and the Tortoise
The Sick Lion and the Fox
The Animals Sick With the Plague
The Milk-woman and Her Pail
The Cobbler and the Financier
The Rat and the Elephant
The Monkey and the Cat
The Kite and the Nightingale
The Old Man and the Three Young Men
The Cat and the Two Sparrows
Cupid and Folly
The Elephant and the Ape of Jupiter
Madam Sage and Madam Tea
The Clock and the Sun-dial
Honour, Fire and Water
The Snake and the Hedgehog
The Ass and the Horse
The Apes and the Leopard
The Rhinoceros and the Dromedary
The Peacock, the Geese and the Diver
The Confident Parrot
The Critical Parrot
The Two Bald Men
The Flying-fish
The Silkworm
The Cat and the Looking-glass
The Elephants and Their Masters
The Birds of Passage
The Butterfly and the Bee
The Ass and the Flute
The Bear and the Monkey
The Cathedral Bell and the Hermitage Bell
The Ivy and the Thyme
The Sword and the Spit
The Goose and the Goldfinch
The Ant and the Flea
The Mouse and the Cat
The Swan and the Linnet
The Silkworm and the Spider
The Two Rabbits
The Frog and the Frogling
The Owl
The Goat and the Horse
The Duck and the Serpent
The Jeweller and the Lace-maker
The Frog and the Hen
The Two Thrushes
The Scrupulous Cats
The Caterpillar and the Butterfly
The Spider's Web
The Eagle and the Serpent
The Three Companions
The Leaves and the Roots
The Sheep's Petition
The Cask
The Two Flies and the Bee
The Rain Cloud
The Squirrel and the Thrush
The Pebble and the Diamond
The Pike and the Cat "
The Ass and the Nightingale
Trishka's Caftan
The Inquisitive Man
The Education of the Young Lion
The Farmer's Horse and His Dog
The Elephant and the Pug Dog
The Boastful Geese
The Cuckoo and the Eagle
The Elephant In Favor
The Eagle and the Spider
The Monkey and the Spectacles
The Kite and the Butterfly
The Comb
The Eagle and the Worm Anonymous
The Fir-tree and the Palm
The Cock and the Raven
The Green Donkey
The Cuckoo
The Colt
The Wolf On His Death-bed
The Ox and the Calf
The Blind Hen
The Donkeys
The Wild Apple-tree
The Bramble
The Archer and His Bow
Solomon's Ghost
The Sheep and the Swallow
The Bear and the Elephant
The Ostrich
The Benefactors
The Peacock and the Rooster
The Lion and the Hare
Jupiter and the Horse
The Wolf, a Hero
The Goose
The Sparrows
The Ox and the Stag
Aesop and the Ass
The Waggoner and the Butterfly
The Man and His Coat
The Ass and the Lamb
The Brook and the Fountain
The Hedgehog and the Dog ... Senegal Folk-Tale
The Wren and the Camel ... Kabyle Fable
The Clever Ape and the Foolish Wolf ... Senegambian Fable
The Boar and the Chameleon ... Madagascar Fable
The Guinea-hen and the Crocodile
The Guinea-fowl and the Hen
The Cat and the Rat
The Frog's Saddle Horse ... Folk Tales of Angola
The Man and the Crocodile ... Senegal Fable
The Rat and the Toad ... Bornu Fable
The Three Cranberries ... Chippewa Fable
The Bear and the Rabbit ... Myths of the Cherokee
The Owl and the Lemming ... Eskimo Fable
The Owl and the Two Rabbits ... The Eskimo in Baffin Land
Why the Bears Have Short Tails ... Myths of the Cherokee
The Measure-worm Rock ... Meewock Legend
The Catfish and the Moose ... Menomeni Fable
The Pigeon-hawk and the Tortoise ... Indian Tales and Researches
The Wind and the Duck ... Indian Fable
The Lynx and the Hare
The Wildcat and the Rabbit ... Myths of the Cherokee
How the Rabbit Escaped From the Wolves
How the Terrapin Escaped From the Wolves
How the Redbird Got His Color
The Humming-bird and the Crane
How the Deer Got His Horns
How the Wildcat Got Its Spots
The Rabbit and the Possum after A Wife
The Mink, the Pike and the Pickerel ... Menomeni Folklore
The Linnet and the Eagle ... Ojibway Fable