Neilson. Fairy and Wonder Tales

Today's free book is The Junior Classics — Volume 1: Fairy and wonder tales by William Allan Neilson (1912), with illustrations by various artists. For the table of contents, check at the bottom of this post below the image.

The book is available at Project Gutenberg (I have not checked for other online sources). There's also a free audiobook at LibriVox.

Table of Contents

TALES OF THE AMERICAN INDIANS by H. R. Schoolcraft and Andrew Lang
The Woodpecker
Why the Diver Duck Has So Few Tail Feathers
Manabozho Changed to Wolf
Manabozho is Robbed
Manabozho and the Woodpeckers
The Boy and the Wolves
The Indian Who Lost His Wife

TALES FROM INDIA by E. Frere, Joseph Jacobs, Flora Annie Steel, and Ramaswami Raju
The Sun, Moon and Wind
Why the Fish Laughed
The Farmer and Money Lender
Pride Goeth Before a Fall
The Wicked Sons
Tiger, Brahman, and Jackal
The Lambikin
The Rat's Wedding
The Jackal and the Partridge
The Jackal and the Crocodile
The Jackal and the Iguana
The Bear's Bad Bargain
The Thief and the Fox
The Farmer and the Fox
The Fools and the Drum
The Lion and the Goat
The Glowworm and Jackdaw
The Camel and the Pig
The Dog and the Dog Dealer
The Tiger, Fox, and Hunters
The Sea, the Fox, and the Wolf
The Fox in the Well

TALES FROM THE NORSELAND by P. C. Asbjörnsen, George W. Dasent, and Andrew Lang
The Squire's Bride
The Doll in the Grass
The Bear and the Fox
The Lad Who Went to the North Wind
The Husband Who Was to Mind the House
How One Went Out to Woo
Why the Bear is Stumpy-Tailed
Boots and the Princess
The Witch in the Stone Boat

TALES FROM FRANCE, SPAIN, AND POLAND by Paul Sébillot, Andrew Lang, and Hermann R. Kletke
The Snuffbox
The Golden Blackbird
The Half-Chick
The Three Brothers
The Glass Mountain

TALES FROM RUSSIA by John T. Naaké and Lillian M. Gask
Huntsman the Unlucky
Story of Little Simpleton
The Golden Fish

The Wonderful Hair
The Language of Animals
The Emperor Trojan's Ears
The Maiden Who Was Wiser Than the King

AN IRISH TALE by Lady Gregory
The Three Sons

TALES FROM CHINA AND JAPAN by Andrew Lang, Adele M. Fielde and A.B. Mitford
Hok Lee and the Dwarfs
A Dreadful Boar
The Five Queer Brothers
The Accomplished Teakettle
Adventures of Little Peachling

The Two Lizards

A TALE FROM JAMAICA by Mary P. Milne-Horne
De King and De Peafowl

SOME OLD FAVORITES by the Brothers Grimm, Hans C. Andersen, Miss Mulock, Charles Perrault, Robert Southey, Joseph Jacobs, and Mme. d'Aulnoy
Hansel and Grethel
The Six Swans
Snow-White and Rose-Red
The Ugly Duckling
The Tinder-Box
The Constant Tin Soldier
The Fir Tree
The Flying Trunk
The Darning Needle
Pen and Inkstand
Little Red Riding-Hood
The Story of the Three Bears
Puss in Boots
Jack the Giant-Killer
Tom Thumb
Blue Beard
The Brave Little Tailor
The Sleeping Beauty
The Fair One With Golden Locks
Beauty and the Beast
Jack and the Beanstalk
The Goose-Girl
He Who Knew Not Fear

The Town Mouse and the
Country Mousev
The Man, Boy, and Donkeyv
The Shepherd's Boy
The Fox and the Stork
The Crow and the Pitcher
The Frogs Desiring a King
The Frog and the Ox
The Cock and the Pearl
The Fox Without a Tail
The Fox and the Cat
The Dog in the Manger
The Fox and the Goat
Belling the Cat
The Jay and the Peacock
The Ass and the Lap-Dog
The Ant and the Grasshopper
The Woodman and the Serpent
The Milkmaid and Her Pail
The Lion and the Mouse
Hercules and the Waggoner
The Lion's Share
The Fox and the Crow
The Dog and the Shadow
The Wolf and the Lamb
The Bat, Birds, and Beasts
The Belly and the Members
The Fox and the Grapes
The Swallow and the Birds