Hujon. Soso Tham's The Old Days of the Khasis

Today's free book is Tales of Darkness and Light: Soso Tham's The Old Days of the Khasis  translated by Janet Hujon (2018), available for free online at Open Book Publishers. For the table of contents, check at the bottom of this post below the image. There are audio recordings too!

Soso Tham was a Khasi poet; you can read more about the Khasi people at Wikipedia, and here is a short video about Soso Tham.

The book is available at Open Book Publishers.

Table of Contents

Ki Symboh Ksiar (Grains of Gold)
Ka Persyntiew (The Flower Garden)
Pyrthei Mariang (The Natural World)
U Lyoh (The Cloud)
U Rngiew (The Dark One)
U Simpyllieng (The Rainbow)
Ka Ïing I Mei (Home)
Ka Meirilung (Gentle Motherland)
Lum Lamare (Lamare Peak)
Ka Aïom Ksiar (Season of Gold)