Matthews. Indian Fairy Book

Today's free book is Indian Fairy Book by Cornelius Matthews with illustrations by John McLenan. For the table of contents, check at the bottom of this post below the image.

The book is available at Project Gutenberg, Hathi Trust, and Google Books.

I.—The Celestial Sisters
II.—The Boy who Set a Snare for the Sun
III.—Strong Desire and the Red Sorcerer
IV.—The Wonderful Exploits of Grasshopper
V.—The Two Jeebi
VI.—Osseo, the Son of the Evening Star
VII.—Gray Eagle and his Five Brothers
VIII.—The Toad-Woman
IX.—The Origin of the Robin
X.—White Feather and the Six Giants
XI.—Sheem, the Forsaken Boy
XII.—The Magic Bundle
XIII.—The Red Swan
XIV.—The Man with his Leg Tied Up
XV.—The Little Spirit or Boy-Man
XVI.—The Enchanted Moccasins
XVII.—He of the Little Shell
XVIII.—Manabozho, the Mischief-Maker
XIX.—Leelinau, the Lost Daughter
XX.—The Winter Spirit and his Visitor
XXI.—the Fire-Plume
XXII.—Weendigoes and the Bone-Dwarf
XXIII.—The Bird Lover
XXIV.—Bokwewa the Humpback
XXV.—The Crane that Crossed the River
XXVI.—Wunzh, the Father of Indian Corn