Pyle. Story of the Grail

Today's free book is The story of the Grail and the passing of Arthur by Howard Pyle (1922). For the table of contents, check at the bottom of this post below the image.

The book is available at Hathi (I have not checked for other online sources).

Table of Contents


Chapter First
How Sir Geraint followed the knight and the lady to whom the dwarf belongeth. How he lodged in a ruined castle, and how he found armor to wear
Chapter Second
How Sir Geraint fought with the knight of the Sparrow-Hawk; how he set right the wrongs of the earldom and how he returned to the Court of the King 
Chapter Third
How Sir Geraint lived with the Lady Enid at Camelot. How he suspected her truth; how his suspicions were confirmed, and how he departed with her in search of adventure. Also how they met with three unusual adventures in the forest
Chapter Fourth
How Sir Geraint and Enid came forth out of the forest into the land of an earl. How they abided at an inn, and of what befell them thereafter
Chapter Fifth
Sir Geraint is wounded in his encounter with another knight. He is discovered by the Court of King Arthur and is healed of his wounds
Chapter Sixth
How Sir Geraint destroyed three giants of the highway. How he was hurt, and how he and the Lady Enid were carried off by a knight of that country. Also how Sir Geraint slew the knight

Chapter First
How Sir Galahad was made a knight; how he came to the Court of King Arthur, and of the several miracles that happened at that time
Chapter Second
How Sir Galahad was led by a strange lady to a monastery of White Friars. How he met there two other Knights of the Round Table. How King Bagdemagus wore the shield, and how it was taken from him and given unto Sir Galahad. Also the story of the shield
Chapter Third
How Sir Galahad met with Sir Melyas. How Sir Melyas was over thrown, and how Sir Galahad overthrew his enemies. Also how Sir Galahad did at the Castle of Maidens
Chapter Fourth
How Sir Launcelot and Sir Percival met Sir Galahad, and what befell them. Also how Sir Launcelot beheld the Grail in a dream
Chapter Fifth
How Sir Percival findeth a horse that nearly bringeth him to destruction. Also he meeteth a fair damsel and feasts with her. Finally he enters a boat and there finds rest and comfort
Chapter Sixth
How Sir Bors confessed himself to the Hermit of the Forest. How he overthrew a knight, and how he came to the seashore and of what befell him there
Chapter Seventh
How Sir Galahad smote down Sir Gawaine, and how he accompanied a fair lady to the seashore. And of what happened thereafter

Chapter First
How Queen Guinevere visited Sir Launcelot in the forest; how Sir Launcelot returned to Court as aforetime, and how he fled once more from the Court
Chapter Second
How Queen Guinevere held a feast, and how Sir Patrice of Ireland was poisoned at that feast
Chapter Third
How Sir Bors was relieved of the defence of the Queen, and of how Sir Mador de la Porte was overthrown
Chapter Fourth
How there came quarrels at the Court, and how Sir Launcelot of the Lake was assaulted by the brothers of Sir Gawaine
Chapter Fifth
How King Arthur attacked Sir Launcelot at Joyous Gard; how Sir Lionel was slain and how Sir Bors was wounded
Chapter Sixth
Sir Launcelot brings the Queen to King Arthur at Camelot. He quitteth England, and King Arthur and Sir Gawaine pursue him
Chapter Seventh
Of the battle betwixt Sir Launcelot and Sir Gawaine. Also how King Arthur returned to Little Britain
Chapter Eighth
How King Arthur returned to England. How he fought his last battle with Sir Mordred
Chapter Ninth
How King Arthur slew Sir Mordred, and how he himself was wounded so that he was upon the edge of death. How his sword Excalibur was cast away, and how three queens came from Avalon and took him away with them
Chapter Tenth
How Sir Launcelot came to Queen Guinevere, and how Queen Guinevere remained a nun. How Sir Launcelot went into the forest and became a hermit, and how seven of his fellows joined him there. Also of the death of Sir Launcelot of the Lake