Wilson. Turkish Literature: Fables

Today's free book is Turkish Literature, Comprising Fables, Belles-lettres and Sacred Traditions, edited by Epiphanius Wilson.

For the table of contents, check at the bottom of this post below the image. The book contains several sections, of which the fables are most relevant to this class, along with the History of the Forty Vezirs which has been published as a separate book.

The book is available at Internet Archive, Hathi Trust, and Google Books.

Turkish Fables translated by Epiphanius Wilson
The Gardener and His Wife
The Fly
The Widow and Her Friend
The Two Young Men and the Cook
The Buffaloes and the Log
The Old Man and His Son
The Bird-catcher and the Blackbird
The Hens and the Eagles
The Pigeon and the Painting
The Lion and the Man
The Compliment to the Vezir
The Ass and the Frogs
The Tortoise and the King of Animals
The Fox and the Lion
The Farmer and His Hounds
The Bear and His Mate
The Eel and the Serpent
The Sailors in Distress
The Father and Son
The Poet and the Clown
The Shark
The Wolf, the Nurse, and the Child
The Candle
The Clown, Turned First Soldier, Then Merchant
The Two Kings at War
The River and Its Source
The Hunter and His Hounds
The Fool Who Sells Wisdom
The Dicer
The Lamb and the Wolf
The Insects, the Bee, and the Ant
The Two Cocks
The Assembly of the Birds
The Fox and the Crab
The Goats and the Wolves
The Lion, the Wolf, and the Fox
The Wolf and the Ass
The Fox and the Partridge
The Fox and the Sparrow
The Syrian Priest and the Young Man
The Converted Cat
The Fox and the Wolf
The Horse and His Rider
The Rose and the Butterfly
The Archer and the Trumpeter
The Wolf, the Fox, and the Shepherd's Dog

The Magistrates translated by Epiphanius Wilson

Ottoman Poems translated by E. J. W. Gibb

Counsels of Nabi Efendi translated by A. P. de Courteille and Robert Arnot

The Ascension of Mahomet translated by A. P. de Courteille and Robert Arnot

The Rose and the Nightingale translated by J. von Hammer-Purgstall and Epiphanius Wilson

History of the Forty Vezirs [no translator given, but I believe this is the translation of E. J. W. Gibb; here are the contents of that book]