Colum. At the Gateways of the Day

Today's free book is At the Gateways of the Day by Padraic Colum. For the table of contents, check at the bottom of this post below the image.

The book is available at Internet Archive and Hathi Trust.

The Boy Pu-nia and the King of the Sharks

The Seven Great Deeds of Ma-ui
How Ma-ui won a place for himself in the House
How Ma-ui lifted up the Sky
How Ma-ui fished up the Great Island
How Ma-ui snared the Sun and made Him go more slowly across the Heavens
How Ma-ui won fire for Men
How Ma-ui overcame Kuna Loa the Long Eel
The Search that Ma-ui's Brother made for his Sister Hina-of-the-Sea
How Ma-ui strove to win Immortality for Men

Au-ke-le the Seeker

Pi-ko-i: The Boy Who Was Good at Shooting Arrows

Paka: The Boy Who Was Reared in the Land that the Gods Have Since Hidden

The Story of Ha-le-ma-no and the Princess Kama

The Arrow and the Swing

The Daughter of the King of Ku-ai-he-lani

The Fish-Hook of Pearl

The Story of Kana, the Youth Who Could Stretch Himself Upwards

The Me-ne-hu-ne

The Story of Mo-e Mo-e: Also a Story about Po-o and about Kau-hu-hu the Shark-God, and about Mo-e Mo-e's Son, the Man Who Was Bold in His Wish

The Woman from Lalo-hana, the Country under the Sea

Hina, the Woman in the Moon