The book is available at Internet Archive, Hathi Trust, and Google Books.
I. Setuli; or, the King of the Birds
II. The Story of the King's Son and the Magic Song
III. The Story of the Little Birds who
lived in A Cave
IV. The Story of the Shining Princess
V. The Rabbit Prince
VI. The Unnatural Mother
VII. The Three Little Eggs
VIII-IX. The Serpent's Bride
X. The Fairy Bird
XI. The Cock's Kraal
XII. Baboon-Skins
XIII. The Reward of Industry
XIV-XV. The Story of Semai-mai
XVI. The Fairy Frog
XVII. Nya-nya Bulembu; or, the Moss-green Princess
XVIII. The Enchanted Buck
XIX The Beauty and the Beast
XX. The White Dove