Boothby. Fables and Satires

Today's free book is Fables and Satires by Sir Brooke Boothby. You can find out more about this book in the Aesop's Fables (English) unit of the Myth-Folklore UnTextbook.

For the table of contents, check at the bottom of this post below the image.

The book is available in two volumes:
Internet Archive: Volume 1 and Volume 2
Hathi Trust: both volumes
Google BooksVolume 1 and Volume 2

Volume 1
The Wolf and the Lamb
The Frogs desiring a King
The Jackdaw and the Peacock
The Dog and his Shadow
The Lion and the Beasts
The Frogs and the Sun
The Fox and the Mask
The Wolf and the Crane
The Sparrow and the Hare
The Wolf, the Fox, and the Ape
The Ass and the Lion
The Stag at the Fountain
The Fox and the Crow
The Cobler turned Physician
The Ass and the Shepherd
The Ram, the Stag, and the Wolf
The Ram, the Dog, and the Wolf
The Bitch in Labour
The famished Dogs
The lion won with Age
The Man and the Weasel
The faithful Dog
The Frog and the Ox
The Dog and the Crocodile
The Fox and the Crane
The Vulture, the Dog, and the Treasure
The Fox and the Eagle
The Frogs and the Bulls
The Kite and the Pigeons
The Lion, the Robber, and the Traveller
The Man and his Mistresses
The Man and the Dog
The Eagle, the Cat, and the Sow
Cesar to his Valet
The Eagle, the Raven, and the Tortoise
The Mules and the Robbers
The Stag and the Oxen
The Old Woman and the Wine Cask
The Panther and the Countryman
The Ape's Head
Esop to an insolent Fellow
The Fly and the Horse
The Dog and the Wolf
The Brother and Sister
Socrates and his Friends
On Credulity
The Cripple and the Reprobate
The Cock and the Pearl
The Bees and the Drones
The Dog and the Lamb
The Grasshopper and the Owl
The Trees protected by the Gods
Juno and the Peacock
Esop to a Prater
The Ass and the Gipsies
The Weasel and the Old House
The Fox and the Grapes
The Horse and the Boar
Esop's Decision
The Battle of the Mice and the Weasels
Phedrus and his Critics
The Viper and the File
The Fox and the Goat
The two Wallets
The Thief robbing the Altar
Hercules and Pluto
The Lion King
The He and She Goats
The Old Pilot and the Sailors
The Embassy of the Dogs
The Man and the Serpent
Demetrius and Menander
The Travellers and the Robber
The Bald Man and the Fly
The Man and the Ass
The Buffoon and the Clown
The two Bald-Pates
Prince the Piper
Time (Opportunity described)
The Bulland the Calf
The Sportsman and the Old Hound
The Sick Kite
The Hares Weary of Life
Jupiter and the Cat
The Lion and the Mouse
The Woodman and the Trees
The Wolf and the Mother
The Crab and her Daughter
The Sun and the Wind
The Hunters and the Bear
The Boy and the Thief
The Lark and her Young Ones
The Satyr and the Traveller
The Man and the Goose
The Trumpeter taken Prisoner
Hercules and the Carter
The Ant and the Grasshopper
The Bald Knight
The Lion and the Man
The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
The Crow and the Pitcher
The Lion and the Bulls
The Angler and the little Fish
The Frog and the Fox
The Wolf and the Kid
The Lion and the Goats
The Ape and her Young Ones
The envious Man and the Miser
The Fir-tree and the Thorn
The Fox and the Leopard
The Ass in the lion's Skin
The Dog in the Manger
The Peacock and the Crane,
The City Mouse and the Country Mouse
The Mouse and the Weasel
The Sick Lion
The Sheep and the Wolves
The Heifer and the yoke of Oxen
The Ant and the Dove
The Stag and the Vine
The mischievous Dog
The Partridge and the Fowls
The two Frogs
The Cameleon
The Statuary and Mercury
The Sick Man and the Physician
The Frogs and the Tortoise
The Crow and the Wolf
Jupiter and the Ass
The Farmer and the Stork
The two Bees
The Boys and the Frogs
The Oak and the Lilac
The Hawk and the Nightingale
The Wolf and the Kid
The Herdsman and the Lion
The Thief and his Mother
The Fuller and the Collier
The Frogs and the Mice
The Crow and the Peacock
The Farmer and his Sons
Fortune and the Boy
The Swallow and the Birds
The Boasting Traveller
The Tunny and the Sturgeon
The Ass carrying Relics
The Fox and the two Holes
The Ape and the Fox
The Sow and the Wolf
The Fox, the Lion, and the Ass
The Old Woman and her Maids
Mercury and the Woodman
Industry and Sloth
The Woodman and Death
The Lioness and the Sow
The Birds, the Beasts, and the Bat
The Horse and the Wolf
The Lion, the Tyger, and the Fox

Volume 2

The Man and the Serpent
The Shepherd turned Merchant
The Horse and the Ass
The Eagle and the Locust
The Spendthrift and the Swallow
The Lion, the Bull, and the Goat
The Ape and her Young Ones
The Eagle and the Crow
The Head and the Tail
The Man and the Snake
The Ass and the Farmer
The Wolf and the Shepherd’s Boy
The Thief and the Pauper
The Hare and her Ears
The Fox without a Tail
The Men and the Oyster
The Shepherd and his Dog
The Hare and the Tortoise
The Woodman and the Fox
The Bee, the Ant, and the Spider
The Horse and the Ass
The Cunning Man
The Fox and the Ape
The Apple Tree
The Countryman and the Justice
The Gnat and the Ox
The Bird and the Arrow
The Eagle and the Serpent
The Cock and the Fox
The Storks and the Geese
The Fox and the Lion
The Blind Man and the Lame
The Cat and the Fox
The Man and the Serpent
The Castle and the Cottage
The Boy and the Cherries
The Wolf and the Shepherds
The Two Streams
The Sot and his Wife
The Farmer and his quarrelsome Sons
The Ass, the Ape, and the Mole
The Fox and the Hedgehog
The Lion, the Fox, and the Ass
The Eagle and the Owl
The Fool who sold Wisdom
The Eagle and the Snail
The Dancing Dogs
The Boy and the Goldfinch
The Diamond and the Pebble
The Pike and the Herring
The Ungrateful Son
The Fig Tree and the Flowering Shrub
The Farmer and the Landlord
The House-dog and the Pointer
The Lad and the Schoolmaster
The Man and his Ass
The Prince and the Mountebank
The Fox and the Wolf
The Man who would choose his Lot
The Dreamer and his Son
Cupid and Death
Neptune and Pallas
Fortune and Vice
The Vultures and the Pigeons
The Old Man and Death
The Scythian
The Drowned Woman
The Reed and the Oak
The Animals sick of the Plague
The Married Man
The Milk-maid
The Acorn and the Gourd
The Rats in Council
The Old Man and the young ones
The Doves
The Friends
The Peasant of the Danube
The Rose and the Amaranth
The Child in the Boat
The Bee and the Gardener
Esop and the Poet
The Green Ass
The Tailor and his Wife
The Husband and the Confessor
The Priest and the Bishop
Cyrus's Lesson
The Painter
Aristippus and the Niggard
The Gardener and the Schoolmaster
The Rake and the Pious Man
The Woman and the Mute
The Beggar and the Bishop
The Natural Son
The Journey
The Lion and the Ape
The Brothers
The Duellist
The Travellers
The Boy and the Churchwarden
The Lap-dog
The Cobbler and the Nabob
The Horse and his Rider
The Man informed of his destiny
Pleasure and Pain
The Periwig and the Hair
Genius and Labour
The two Dogs
The Waiter and his Master
The Clown and the Spectacles
The favourite Pigeon
Darwin and the Fool
The Physician and the Quack
The Travellers
The Short-sighted Man
The Man restored to his Senses
The two Books
The Sleep of the Wicked
The Tyrant and the Patriot
The good Minister
The Journey to Babylon
The Jockey and the Betters
The Dog and the Quaker
The Villagers of the Alps
The Housewife and her Hen
The Boy and the Whistle
The Superannuated Actor
The Traveller
The Card House
The two Sous
The Old Admiral
The Landlord and Iris Guests 
Jupiter and the Female Sex
Cupid and the Bee
Amore fugitivo
The Rose's Looking-glass
The Lily
Four Satires