Baudis. Czech Folk Tales

Today's free book is The Key of Gold: Czech Folk Tales by Josef Baudis. You can find out more about this book in the Czech Folktales unit of the Myth-Folklore UnTextbook.

For the table of contents, check at the bottom of this post below the image.

The book is available at Internet ArchiveSacred Texts, and Hathi Books. There is also a free audiobook at LibriVox.

1. The Twelve Months
2. Víťazko
3. Boots, Cloak, and Ring
4. Silly Jura
5. Sleepy John
6. Three Doves
7. The Bear, the Eagle, and the Fish
8. Kojata
9. Shepherd Hynek
10. The Three Roses
11. The Enchanted Princesses
12. The Twin Brothers
13. The Waternick
14. The Man Who Met Misery
15. Nine At A Blow
16. A Clever Lass
17. The Soldier and the Devil
18. Old Nick and Kitty
19. The Knight Bambus
20. Francis and Martin
21. Witches at the Cross
22. The Witch and the Horseshoes
23. The Haunted Mill