Werner. The Mythology of Africa.

Today's free book is The Mythology of All Races: Armenian and African (volume 7); the African section is by Alice Werner. Pages 105-361 covers African traditions, although it is not organized quite like a collection of stories. You can see the topics covered, chapter by chapter, in the list of contents below. This is a really wonderful resource, especially if you have a specific interest in the topic of one of the chapters.

Chapter 13 is about Anansi: spider stories!

The book is available at the Internet Archive. I've linked to the Internet Archive edition for the chapter titles below:

High Gods and Heaven
Myths of Origins
Myths of the Origin of Death
The Ancestral Spirits
Legends of the Spirit-World
Nature Myths
Tales of Demons and Ogre
The Little People
Totemism and Animal Stories
Hare and Jackal Stories
Tortoise Stories
Spider Stories
Stories of Witchcraft and Werewolves
Recent and Imported Myths