Rich. Why-so stories

Today's free book is Why-so stories by Edwin Gile Rich (1918), with illustrations by Charles Copeland. For the table of contents, check at the bottom of this post below the image.

The book is available at Hathi Trust (I have not checked for other online sources).

Table of Contents

Why the Blackbird is Black
Why the Eagle is King of the Birds
Another Story of why the Eagle is King
Why the Wren's Feathers look Scorched
Why the Crow is Black 
Tales of the Crow 
Why the Crow Hates the Hawk 
Why the Sparrow Stutters 
Tales of the Owl 
Why the Birds Hate the Owl 
Why the Robin brings the Spring 
Why Europe Loves the Robin 
Why the Heron's Neck is Bent 
Why the Peewit Cries "Peet, Peet"
Tales of the Woodpecker 
Why the Woodpecker has a Long Beak
Why the Woodpecker likes Trees 
How the Partridge got his Whistle
Why the Finch's Feathers are Ruffled
Why the Nightingale has many Songs but the Dove only says "Coo" 
How the Kingfisher came to be 
How the Kingfisher got its Color 
How the Kingfisher got his Bill
Why the Hawk's Legs are Thin 
Why Hawks Eat Snakes 
Why the Magpie Chatters 
Why the Magpie Builds a Poor Nest
How the Swallow came to be 
Why the Swallow is Loved in Europe
The Navaho Story of the Swallow
How the Peacock got its Beautiful Tail 
Why the Peacock's Tail is Spotted 
Why the Pelican has a Pouch 
Why the Thrush Hides in a Tree
The Animals and Birds Play Ball
Why the Turkey Gobbles 
How the Turkey got his Beard 
How the Red Bird got his Color
Why the Petrel lays its Eggs on Land
Why Swamp-Robin Foretells Rain 
How the Emu lost his Wings 
How a Bird made the World 
Why the Birds go South in Winter
How the Thunder Bird scared the Turtle
Why Rabbit Cries when he can Run no Farther
How Rabbit Lost his Tail 
Why the Rabbit Eats his Fur when he is Starving 
How the Deer got his Horns 
Why the Deer's Teeth are Blunt 
Why the Mink is Black
Why the Possum's Tail is Bare 
Why the Wildcat has a Wrinkled Face
Why the Woodchuck's Tail is Short
How the Flying Squirrel got its Wings
Why the Coyote lives on the Prairie 
Why Coyotes are Hungry 
Why Cats and Dogs Fight 
Why Dogs have Long Tongues 
Why the Goat's Knees are Bare 
Why we find Frogs in Lakes and Streams
Why the Mosquito says Zum, Zzzz, Zzz
Why the Mosquito lives in Swampy Place
Why the Wombat lives in the Ground
How the Water Spider brought the Fire
Why there are no Tigers in Japan
Why Tigers Eat Raw Meat