Branner. How and Why Stories

Today's free book is How and Why Stories by John C. Branner (1921) with illustrations by W. S. Atkinson and R. K. Culver. For the table of contents, check at the bottom of this post below the image.

The book is available at Hathi Trust (I have not checked for other online sources).

Table of Contents

I A Mere Matter of the Feelings
II Why the Palms of a Negro's Hands Are White
III Why the Snake Has No Feet
IV How the Stars Were Made
V Why the Owl Stays Up Nights
VI Why the Catfish Has No Scales
VII How the Tadpole Lost His Tail
VIII Why the Pig Grunts
IX Why the Crawfish Goes Backward
X Why Red Pepper is so Hot
XI Why the Snail is so Slow
XII Why the Polecat Smells so
XIII How the Cat Came to Have Nine Lives
XIV What Happened to the Duck
XV Why the Crane is so Long
XVI Why the Wild Geese Fly that Way
XVII How the Turtle Came by a Shell
XVIII Why the Guinea Fowl Says "Pot-Rack"
XIX What Happened to the Dogoshes
XX Why the Good Lord Allows the Devil to Live
XXI Why the Rabbit Has Long Ears
XXII Why the Birds Are of Different Colors