Teit. Thompson River Indians

Today's free book is Traditions of the Thompson River Indians of British Columbia by James Teit (1898). For the table of contents, check at the bottom of this post below the image.

The book is available at Hathi Trust (I have not checked for other online sources).

Table of Contents

I. The Coyote 
1. The Coyote and the Flood 
2. NLi'ksEntEm 
3. The Coyote and the Fox 
4. Cukata'na ; or, the Coyote's Dog 
5. The Ball 
6. The Coyote's Daughters and their Dogs 
7. Story of the Sisters who married the Coyote and the Lynx 
8. The Coyote and his Guests 
II. QoA'qlqal 
III. Story of Kokwe'la; or, KokwE'la's Sku'zas
IV. Story of the Bush-Tailed Rat
V. The Old Man 
1. The Old Man and the Coyote 
2. The Old Man and the Lad 
3. Story of the Swan 
VI. Origin of the Deer
VII. The Tale of the Bad Boy; or, the Sun and the Lad 
VIII. The Story of the Man who travelled to the Sun 
IX. The Sun and his Daughter 
X. The Hot and the Cold Winds 
XI. The Mosquito and the Thunder 
XII. The Beaver and the Eagle; or, the Origin of Fire 
Xllb. Origin of Fire 
XIII. Story of Fire and Water
XIV. The Skunk and his Younger Brothers 
XV. Story of the Chipmunk and the Grizzly Bear
XVI. The Dog and the Girl 
XVII. The Owl 
XVIII. The Marten and the Fisher 
XIX. The Hare and the Grizzly Bears 
XX. Battle of the Birds 
XXI. Story of the Otter
XXII. The Grizzly Bears and the Black Bears 
XXIII. The Grizzly Bears and the Hunters 
XXIV. The Wolf and his Grandmother 
XXV. Story of Stetso' 
XXVI. The War of the Fishes with the Okanagon
XXVII. Story of TcisKi'KiK
XXVIII. Story of the Ants and the Two Brothers
XIX. Story of Aq 
XXX. Story of NtcJ'mka and the Cannibal
XXXI. Story of Nukano'xa, the Woman and the Haxaa'tko 
XXXII. The Young Men who lost their Mother
XXXIII. The Skunk and the Badger
XXXIV. Story of the Lad who caught the Wind 
XXXV. The Raven
XXXVI. The Moon and his Younger Sister
XXXVII. The Man who stole the Horse
XXXVIII. The Brothers 

Two Traditions of the Lillooet 
I. The Story of Tsu'ntia 
II. Story of Tsu'ntia's Mother; or, the Frog-People