Today's free book is Wigwam Stories Told by North American Indians by Mary Catherine Judd (1901), with illustrations by Angel de Cora (Hinook Mahiwi Kilinaka). For the table of contents, check at the bottom of this post below the image.
You can read more about the artist Angel de Cora at Wikipedia.
The book is available at Hathi Trust (I have not checked for other online sources).
Table of Contents
I. lagoo, the Great Story-Teller
II. How Clay Dishes were first made
III. Leaping Rock in the Pipestone Valley
IV. The Face of the Great Manitou in the Rock
V. How Two Squaws saved their Band
VI. Origin of the Crane Tribe
VII. Story of the First Man and Woman
VIII. Giants and Fairies
IX. Weenk the Sleep-Bringer
X. The Little People of the Senecas
XL The Hunter who could fly
XII. How the Bear lost his Tail
XIII. The Blue Heron and the Wolf
XIV. The Little Wolf Brother
XV. The Good Bear and the Lost Boy
XVI. Legend of Niagara Falls
XVII. How the Indians came to know Medicine Plants
XVIII. Mondahmin, who gave the Corn
XIX. The Marriage of Mondahmin
XX. The Prairie Dandelion
XXI. The Shadow Canoe
XXII. An Indian Temperance Speech
XXIII. The Girl who became a Pine Tree
XXIV. The White Stone Canoe
XXV. The Great Bear in the Sky
XXVI. The North Star
XXVII. The Star that never moves
XXVIII. Trapping in the Happy Hunting Grounds
XXIX. The Old Man in the Sky
XXX. Where the Morning Star came from
XXXI. The Woman in the Moon
XXXII. The Seven Stars of Pleiades
XXXIII. The Chipmunk s Black Stripes
XXXIV. The Echo God and the Northern Lights
XXXV. Legend of Mackinaw Island
XXXVI. How the Water Lily came
XXXVII. The North Wind s Defeat
XXXVIII. A Rip Van Winkle
XXXIX. Legend of the Wampum-Bird and the Boy
XL. The Magic Moccasins
XLI. Opechee the Robin Redbreast
XLII. The Indian who married the Moon
I. Menabozho and his Three Brothers
II. Story of the Deluge
III. Menabozho caught
IV. How the Kingfisher got his Ring and his Ruffle
V. How the Woodchuck helped Menabozho
VI. Menabozho swallowed by a Large Fish
VII. The Thunder-Bird of the Dakotas
VIII. Hiawatha the Wise
IX. Wampum or Indian Money
X. Legend of the Arbutus
XI. The One who loved him most
XII. The Marten and the White Rabbit
XIII. How Light, Fire, and Water first came to the World
XIV. How the Copper Mountain came to fall
XV. The Sun and Moon
XVI. Custer's Heart