Savory. Congo Fireside Tales

Today's free book is Congo Fireside Tales by Phyllis Savory with illustrations by Joshua Tolford (1962). For the table of contents, check at the bottom of this post below the image.

The book is available at Hathi Trust (I have not checked for other online sources).

Table of Contents

The Hare and the Elephant
A Bride for the Hare
The Hare and the Reedbuck
The Lion, the Hare and the Eland
The Elephant, the Hare and the Leopard
The Antelopes' Convention
The Lion and the Robin
Kalulu, the Clever One
The Magic Anthill
The Tale of the Golden Birds
The Blind Man and the Tortoise
Musakalala, the Talking Skull
Hoiv the Beggar Boy won the Chiefs Daughter
Umusha Mwaice, the Little Slave Girl