Journal of American Folklore 8:30 (1895)

Today's free book is Journal of American Folklore, Vol. 8, No. 30 (1895). For the table of contents, check at the bottom of this post below the image; I have provided individual story titles where applicable.

The book is available at Hathi (I have not checked for other online sources).

Table of Contents

Heli Chatelain. Some Causes of the Retardation of African Progress (pp. 177-184)
Adele M. Fielde. The Character of Chinese Folk-Tales (pp. 185-191)
Emma M. Backus. Superstitions from Connecticut (p. 192)
Edward Jack. Maliseet Legends (pp. 193-208)
W. M. Beauchamp. Onondaga Notes (pp. 209-216)
W. M. Beauchamp. Mohawk Notes (pp. 217-221)
Reginald Pelham Bolton. The Cockney and His Dialect (pp. 222-229)
Mrs. E. Allen. The Lady in the West. (A Ballad.) (p. 230)
W. W. Newell. Folk-Lore Study and Folk-Lore Societies (pp. 231-242)
Memoirs of the American Folk-Lore Society, Vol. III. Bahama Songs and Stories (pp. 243-246)
The Aims of Anthropology (pp. 247-249)
The Sacred Pole of the Omaha Tribe (pp. 249-250)
The Origin of Playing - Cards (pp. 250-251)
Negro Superstitions in South Carolina (pp. 251-252)
A. F. Chamberlain. Folk-Lore of Canadian Children (pp. 252-255)
Alice Leon. Variants of Counting-out Rhymes (pp. 255-256)
G. P. Bradley. The Ballad of Bold Dickie (pp. 256-258)
H. Carrington Bolton. The Black String (pp. 259-260)