Journal of American Folklore 7:26 (1894)

Today's free book is Journal of American Folklore, Vol. 7, No. 26 (1894). For the table of contents, check at the bottom of this post below the image; I have provided individual story titles where applicable.

The book is available at Hathi (I have not checked for other online sources).

Table of Contents

Washington Matthews. Songs of Sequence of the Navajos (pp. 185-194)
A. F. Chamberlain. A Kootenay Legend: The Coyote and the Mountain-Spirit (pp. 195-196)
George Bird Grinnell. A Pawnee Star Myth (pp. 197-200)
J. C. Hamilton. Two Algonquin Legends. The Loon and the Ka-Kakè (pp. 201-204)
Notes on the Eskimo of Port Clarence, Alaska (pp. 205-208)
Harlan I. Smith. Notes on Eskimo Traditions (pp. 209-216)
Pamela McArthur Cole. New England Funerals (pp. 217-223)
Ellen Powell Thompson. Folk-Lore from Ireland. II (pp. 224-227)
American Versions of the Ballad of the Elfin Knight (pp. 228-232)
Henrietta Irving Bolton. Curious Relics of English Funerals (pp. 233-236)
Marshall H. Saville. A Comparative Study of the Graven Glyphs of Copan and Quirigua. A Preliminary Paper (pp. 237-247)
Ritual Regarded as the Dramatization of Myth (pp. 248-249)
Navajo Rite-Myths (pp. 249-250)
Intelligence and Originality of Primitive Man (pp. 250-251)
Sarah Bridge Farmer. Folk-Lore of Marblehead, Mass (pp. 252-253)
Tale of the Skunks (p. 253)
W. W. N. The Ballad of Sweet William and Gentle Jenny (pp. 253-255)

Book Review
Memoirs of the International Congress of Anthropology by C. Staniland Wake (pp. 259-260)
The Traditional Games of England, Scotland, and Ireland by Alice Bertha Gomme (pp. 260-262)
Children's Singing Games by Alice B. Gomme (p. 262)
Bibliografia delle Tradizioni Popolari d' Italia by Giuseppe Pitrè (pp. 262-263)
Annuaire des Traditions Populaires (pp. 263-264)
Le Folklore Wallon by Eugène Monseur (p. 264)