Polevoi-Bain. Russian Fairy Tales

Today's free book is Russian Fairy Tales from the Skazki of Polevoi translated by R. Nisbet Bain and illustrated by C. M. Gere. For the table of contents, check at the bottom of this post below the image.

The book is available at Project Gutenberg, Internet Archive, Hathi Trust, and Google Books. There is also a free audiobook at LibriVox. You can get a free Kindle ebook from Amazon too!

The Golden Mountain
The Flying Ship
The Muzhichek-As-Big-As-Your-Thumb-with-Moustaches-Seven-Versts-Long
The Story of the Tsarevich Ivan, and of the Harp that Harped Without a Harper
The Story of Gore-Gorinskoe
Go I Know Not Whither—Fetch I Know Not What
Kuz’ma Skorobogaty
The Tsarevna Loveliness-Inexhaustible
The Frog-Tsarevna
The Two Sons of Ivan the Soldier
The Woman-Accuser
Thomas Berennikov
The White Duck
The Tale of Little Fool Ivan
The Little Feather of Fenist the Bright Falcon
The Tale of the Peasant Demyan
The Enchanted Ring
The Brave Labourer
The Sage Damsel
The Prophetic Dream
Two Out of the Knapsack
The Story of Marko the Rich and Vasily the Luckless