Jones-Kropf. The Folktales of the Magyars

Today's free book is The Folktales of the Magyars, translated by W. Henry Jones and Lewis L. Kropf. For the table of contents, check at the bottom of this post below the image.

The book is available at Project Gutenberg, Internet Archive, Hathi Trust, and Google Books.

1. Prince Csihan
2. Stephen the Murderer
3. The Lamb with the Golden Fleece
4. Fisher Joe
5. Luck and Bliss-
6. The Lazy Cat
7. Handsome Paul
8. The Travels of Truth and Falsehood
9. The Hunting Princes
10. The Lazy Spinning Girl
11. The Envious Sisters
12. Knight Rose
13. Prince Mirkó
14. The Student who was forcibly made King
15. The Children of the Two Rich Men
16. The Hussar and the Servant Girl
17. My Father's Wedding
18. The Baa-Lambs
19. Fairy Elizabeth
20. The Three Princes
21. The Three Dreams
22. Csabor Ur
23. The Devil and the Three Slovák Lads
24. The Count's Daughter
25. The Speaking Grapes
26. The Three Oranges
27. The Youngest Prince
28. The Invisible Shepherd Lad
29. The Three Princesses
30. Cinder Jack
31. The Three Brothers
32. The Three Valuable Things
33. The Little Magic Pony
34. The Beggars' Present
35. The World's Beautiful Woman
36. The Girl without Hands
37. The King and the Devil
38. The Three Princes, &c.
39. The Widower and his Daughter
40. The Wishes
41. The Two Orphans
42. The Wonderful Frog
43. The Devil and the Red Cap
44. Jack Dreadnought
45. The Secret keeping Little Boy
46. Shepherd Paul
47. The Pelican
48. The Girl with the Golden Hair
49. The Lover's Ghost
50. Snake Skin
51. The Fairies' Well
52. The Crow's Nest
53. Woman's Curiosity