Skeat. Fables and Folktales from an Eastern Forest

Today's free book is Fables and Folktales from an Eastern Forest by Walter Skeat and illustrated by F. H. Townsend. The "eastern forest" of the title is the Malay Peninsula, and the author collected the stories there in 1899.

For the table of contents, check at the bottom of this post below the image.

The book is available at Internet Archive, Hathi Trust, and Google Books.

Father Lime-stick and the Flower-pecker
The King of the Tigers Is Sick
The Mouse-deer's Shipwreck
Who Killed the Otter's Babies?
A Vegetarian Dispute
The Friendship of Tupai the Squirrel and Ruan the Creeping Fish
The Pelican's Punishment
The Tiger Gets His Deserts
The Tiger's Mistake
The Tune That Makes the Tiger Drowsy
The "Tigers' Fold"
The Tiger and the Shadow
Wit Wins the Day
The King-crow and the Water-snail
Father 'follow-my-nose' and the Four Priests
The Elephant-princess and the Prince
The Elephant Has a Bet With the Tiger
Princess Sadong of the Caves
The Saint That Was Shot Out of His Own Cannon
The Saints Whose Grave-stones Moved
Nakhoda Ragam Who Was Pricked to Death by His Wife's Needle
The Legend of Patani
A Malayan Deluge
King Solomon and the Birds
The Outwitting of the Gedembai
The Silver Prince, and Princess Lemon-grass