Ralston. Russian Fairy Tales

Today's free book is Russian Fairy Tales: A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folklore by W. R. S. Ralston. You can find out more about this book in the Russian Folktales unit of the Myth-Folklore UnTextbook.

For the table of contents, check at the bottom of this post below the image.

The book is available at Project GutenbergInternet Archive, and Hathi Books. There is also a free audiobook at LibriVox. You can get a free Kindle eBook from Amazon too!

Introductory. The Folk-tale in general, and the Skazka in particular—Relation of Russian Popular Tales to Russian Life—Stories about Courtship, Death, Burial and Wailings for the Dead—Warnings against Drink, Jokes about Women, Tales of Simpletons—A rhymed Skazka and a Legend

I. The Fiend 
II. The Dead Mother 
III. The Dead Witch 
IV. The Treasure 
V. The Cross-Surety 
VI. The Awful Drunkard 
VII. The Bad Wife 
VIII. The Golovikha 
IX. The Three Copecks 
X. The Miser 
XI. The Fool and the Birch-Tree 
XII. The Mizgir 
XIII. The Smith and the Demon 

Mythological. Principal Incarnations of Evil. On the “Mythical Skazkas”—Male embodiments of Evil: 1. The Snake as the Stealer of Daylight; 2. Norka the Beast, Lord of the Lower World; 3. Koshchei the Deathless, The Stealer of Fair Princesses—his connexion with Punchkin and “the Giant who had no Heart in his Body”—Excursus on Bluebeard’s Chamber; 4. The Water King or Subaqueous Demon—Female Embodiments of Evil: 1. The Baba Yaga or Hag, and 2. The Witch, feminine counterparts of the Snake

XIV. Ivan Popyalof 
XV. The Norka 
XVI. Marya Morevna 
XVII. Koshchei the Deathless 
XVIII. The Water Snake 
XIX. The Water King and Vasilissa the Wise 
XX. The Baba Yaga 
XXI. Vasilissa the Fair 
XXII. The Witch 
XXIII. The Witch and the Sun’s Sister 

Mythological. Miscellaneous Impersonations. One-eyed Likho, a story of the Polyphemus Cycle—Woe, the Poor Man’s Companion—Friday, Wednesday, and Sunday personified as Female Spirits—The Léshy or Wood-Demon—Legends about Rivers—Frost as a Wooer of Maidens—The Whirlwind personified as a species of Snake or Demon—Morfei and Oh, two supernatural beings

XXIV. One-Eyed Likho 
XXV. Woe 
XXVI. Friday 
XXVII. Wednesday 
XXVIII. The Léshy 
XXIX. Vazuza and Volga 
XXX. Sozh and Dnieper 
XXXI. The Metamorphosis of the Dnieper, the Volga, and the Dvina 
XXXII. Frost 

Magic and Witchcraft. The Waters of Life and Death, and of Strength and Weakness—Aid given to Children by Dead Parents—Magic Horses, Fish, etc.—Stories about Brides won by a Leap, etc.—Stories about Wizards and Witches—The Headless Princess—Midnight Watchings over Corpses—The Fire Bird, its connexion with the Golden Bird and the Phoenix

XXXIII. The Blind Man and the Cripple 
XXXIV. Princess Helena the Fair 
XXXV. Emilian the Fool 
XXXVI. The Witch Girl 
XXXVII. The Headless Princess 
XXXVIII. The Soldier’s Midnight Watch 
XXXIX. The Warlock 

Ghost Stories. Slavonic Ideas about the Dead—On Heaven and Hell—On the Jack and the Beanstalk Story—Harmless Ghosts—The Rip van Winkle Story—the attachment of Ghosts to their Shrouds and Coffin-Lids—Murderous Ghosts—Stories about Vampires—on the name Vampire, and the belief in Vampirism

XL. The Fox-Physician 
XLI. The Fiddler in Hell 
XLII. The Ride on the Gravestone 
XLIII. The Two Friends 
XLIV. The Shroud 
XLV. The Coffin-Lid 
XLVI. The Two Corpses 
XLVII. The Dog and the Corpse 
XLVIII. The Soldier and the Vampire 

Legends. 1. Saints, etc. Legends connected with the Dog, the Izba, the Creation of Man, the Rye, the Snake, Ox, Sole, etc.; with Birds, the Peewit, Sparrow, Swallow, etc.—Legends about SS. Nicholas, Andrew, George, Kasian, etc.

XLIX. Elijah the Prophet and Nicholas 
L. The Priest with the Greedy Eyes 

2. Demons, etc. Part played by Demons in the Skazkas—On “Hasty Words,” and Parental Curses; their power to subject persons to demoniacal possession—The dulness of Demons; Stories about Tricks played upon them—Their Gratitude to those who treat them with Kindness and their General Behavior—Various Legends about Devils—Moral Tale of the Gossip’s Bedstead

LI. The Hasty Word