Leland. Legends of Virgil

Today's free book is Unpublished Legends of Virgil by Charles Godfrey Leland. For the table of contents, check at the bottom of this post below the image.

The book is available at  Internet Archive, Hathi Trust, and Google Books.

The Story of Romolo and Remolo
How Virgil Was Born
Virgil, the Emperor, and the Two Doves
Virgil and the Rock of Posilippo
Virgil, the Emperor, and the Truffles
Virgil, Minuzzolo, and the Siren
Virgil and the Ugly Glrl
Virgil and the Gem
The Flies in Rome
The Columns of Virgil and His Three Wonderful Statues
Virgil and Adelone
Virgil and Dorione, or the Magic Vase
Virgil and the Lady of Ice and Water
Virgil the Magician, or the Four Venuses
Virgil, the Lady, and the Chair
Virgil and the Goddess of the Chase
Virgil and the Spirit of Mirth
Nero and Seneca
Virgil and Cicero
Virgil and the Goddess Vesta
The Stone Fish, and How Virgil Made It Eatable
Virgil and the Bronze Horse
Virgil and the Ball-Player
Virgil and the Gentleman Who Brayed
Virgil and the Girl With Golden Locks
Virgil and the Peasant of Arezzo
The Girl and the Flageolet
La Beghina Di Arezzo, or Virgil and the Sorceress
The Spirit of the Snow of Colle Alto
The Legend of La Madonna Della Neve
The Magician Virgil; A Legend From the Sabine 
Virgil, the Wicked Princess, and the Iron Man
Giovanni Di Bologna and the God Mercury
The Double-faced Statue, or How Virgil Conjured Janus 
Virgil and His Courtiers
Virgil and the Three Shepherds
The Golden Pine-Cone
Virgil’s Magic Loom
Virgil and the Priest
Il Giglio Di Firenze, or the Story of Virgil and The Lilies
Virgil and the Beautiful Lady of the Lily
Virgil and the Daughter of the Emperor of Rome
Proverb Stories of Virgil
Virgil and Pollione
Virgil and Matteo
Virgil and the Father of Twelve Children 
Virgil as a Physician, or Virgil and the Mouse
The Onion of Cettardo