Hilton. Legends of Saints and Birds

Today's free book is Legends of Saints and Birds by Agnes A. Hilton. The images are really beautiful, and it looks like they are by the author herself!

For the table of contents, check at the bottom of this post below the image. The links below are to the Internet Archive version. The book is available at Hathi Trust and Internet Archive.

The illustrations are by Agnes Hilton, and I've made a Flickr collection.

Saint Kentigern and the Robin
The Birds of Saint Milburgh
Saint Cuthbert's Birds
Angus, Servant of God
Kieran and the Cuckoo
Saint Guthlac and the Ravens
The Curlew's Nest
Saints Comgall and Isidore
Saint Columba and the Crane
The Robin and the Wren
Saint Keneth of the Gulls
Saint Francis
Saint Columbanus
Saint Hugh and His Swan
A Christmas Tale