Hale-Wortham. Hitopadesha

Today's free book is Hitopadesha, or, The Book of Good Counsel by B. Hale-Wortham. You can find out more about this book at the Indian Epics UnTextbook.

For the table of contents, check at the bottom of this post below the image.

The book is available at Internet Archive and Hathi Trust.

1.1 The Crow and the Fowler
1.2 The Tiger and the Bracelet
1.3 Deer, Crow and Jackal
1.4 Vulture and Cat
1.5 Beggar and Mouse
1.6 Wife and Her Lover
1.7 Jackal and String
1.8 Prince and Merchant's Wife
1.9 Jackal and Elephant
2.1 Bull, Lion, and Jackals
2.2 Monkey and Wedge
2.3 Dog and Donkey
2.4 Lion Nibbled by Mouse
2.5 The Bell and the Monkeys
2.6 Barber's Wife
2.7 Farmer's Wife
2.8 Crows and Snake
2.9 Lion and Rabbit
2.10 The Sandpipers
3.1 Flamingo and Peacock
3.2 Birds and Unruly Monkeys
3.3 Donkey in Tiger Skin
3.4 Elephant and Rabbit
3.5 Goose and Crow
3.6 Crow and Quail
3.7 Man Carries Adulterous Wife in Bed
3.8 Blue Jackal
3.9 Rajaputra
3.10 Kubera and Kshatriya
4.1 Flamingo and Crow
4.2 Turtle and Geese
4.3 Three Fish
4.4 Wife and Servant
4.5 Cranes and Serpent
4.6 Metamorphoses of the Mouse
4.7 Crane, Fish, and Crab
4.8 Man with Pot of Flour
4.9 Sunda and Upasunda
4.10 Rogues Get Goat from Brahmin
4.11 Lion, Tiger, Jackal, Crow, and Camel
4.12 Serpent and Frog-King
4.13 Brahmin and Mongoose