Garnett. Ottoman Wonder Tales

Today's free book is Ottoman Wonder Tales by Lucy M. Garnett with illustrations by Charles Folkard. For the table of contents, check at the bottom of this post below the image.

The book is available at Internet Archive and Hathi Trust.

I. The Peris' God-Daughter
II. The King's Son and the Dervish's Daughter
III. The Story of the Soothsayer
IV. The Quest of World's Desire
V. The Story of the Seven Champions
VI. The Stolen Prince
VII. The Three Wonderful Dresses
VIII. The Three Brothers and their Three Sisters
IX. The Mother's Blessing
X. The Queen of Night
XI. Ashmedai and King Solomon
XII. The Amazon Queen
XIII. The Princess of Tiflis
XIV. How Hasanek Outwitted the Dev