Fortier. Louisiana Folktales

Today's free book is Louisiana Folktales by Alcée Fortier. The English translations are in volume 1, with the Creole texts in volume 2. You can read more about Louisiana Creole people at Wikipedia. These stories feature the Creole version of Brer Rabbit: Compair Lapin.

For the table of contents, check at the bottom of this post below the image. The book is available at Internet Archive, Hathi Trust, and Google Books. You can find the stories listed and linked in Diigo.

Part First. Animal Tales
The Elephant and the Whale
Compair Taureau and Jean Malin
Compair Lapin and the Earthworm
Compair Lapin and Compair L'Ours
The Irishman and the Frogs
Compair Lapin and Madame Carencro
Compair Lapin and Mr. Turkey
Compair Bouki and the Monkeys
Mr. Monkey, the Bridegroom
The Tortoise
Compair Bouki, Compair Lapin, and the Birds' Eggs
The Dog and the Tiger
Compair Lapin's Godchild
Miss Mockingbird, Mr. Mockingbird, and Mr. Owl
Marriage of Compair Lapin

Part Second. Marchen
King Peacock
The Singing Bones
Jean Sotte
The Devil's Marriage
The Little Finger
The Statue of St. Anthony
The Little Boys and the Giants
The Men Who Became Birds
The Good Little Servant
The Basket of Flowers
John Green Peas
A Poor, Little Boy

The Tar Baby
Compair Bouki and Compair Lapin
The Horse of God
The Cunning Old Wizard
A Woman Changed Into a Monkey
The Talking Eggs
The Golden Fish
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