Brown. The Wisdom of the Hindus

Today's free book is The Wisdom of the Hindus edited by Brian Brown. For the table of contents, check at the bottom of this post below the image.

The book is available at Internet Archive, Hathi Trust, and Google Books.

Introduction, followed by extracts from:

Rig Veda
Brahmanic Wisdom
The Upanishads
Vivekananda on Yoga
Ramakrishna on Yoga
The Hitopadesha
Niti Shastra
Wisdom of Kapila
Wisdom of Vemana
Wisdom of Bhartri-Hari
Wisdom of Tulsi-Das
Wisdom of Tuka-Ram
Wisdom of Vivekananda
Wisdom of Abhedananda
Selections from Tagore's Gitanjali
Sayings of Ramakrishna
