Dennett. Folklore of the Fjort

Today's free book is Notes on the Folklore of the Fjort by Richard Edward Dennett. You can find out more about this book in the Stories from Congo unit of the Myth-Folklore UnTextbook.

For the table of contents, check at the bottom of this post below the image.

The book is available at Internet Archive, Sacred Texts Archive, Google Books, and Hathi Books.

I. The Folklore Of The Fjort.
II. How A Native Story Is Told.
III. How The Wives Restored Their Husband To Life.
IV. How Nsassi (Gazelle) Got Married.
V. The Vanishing Wife.
VI. Another Vanishing Wife.
VII. The Jealous Wife.
VIII. Ngomba's Balloon.
IX. The Wicked Husband.
X. The Wonderful Child.
XI. How Kengi Lost Her Child.
XII. The Twin Brothers.
XIII. The Younger Brother Who Knew More Than The Elder.
XIV. The Chimpanzee And Gorilla.
XV. The Antelope And The Leopard.
XVI. How The Spider Won And Lost Nzambi's Daughter.
XVII. The Turtle And The Man.
XVIII. Killing A Leopard.
XIX. The Gazelle And The Leopard.
XX. The Wild Cat And The Gazelle.
XXI. The Crafty Woman Overreaches Herself.
XXII. How The Fetish Sunga Punished My Great-Uncle's Twin Brother, Basa.
XXIII. The Rabbit And The Antelope.
XXIV. The Fight Between The Two Fetishes, Lifuma And Chimpukela.
XXV. The Fetish Of Chilunga.
XXVI. The Leopard And The Crocodile.
XXVII. Why Some Men Are White And Others Black.
XXVIII. The Bird-Messengers.
XXIX. Nzambi Mpungu's Ambassador.
XXX. Why The Crocodile Does Not Eat The Hen.
XXXI. The Three Brothers.
XXXII. Death And Burial Of The Fjort.