Leonora Lang. Strange Story Book

Today's free book is The Strange Story Book by Leonora Lang. For the table of contents, check at the bottom of this post below the image.

The book is available at Project Gutenberg, Internet Archive, and Hathi Trust. You can get a free Kindle ebook from Amazon too!

Table of Contents

The Drowned Buccaneer
The Perplexity of Zadig
The Return of the Dead Wife
Young Amazon Snell
The Good Sir James
Rip van Winkle
The Wonderful Basket
The Escape of the Galley-slaves
The Beaver and the Porcupine
An Old-world Ghost
The Gentleman Highwayman
The Vision of the Pope
The Handless Brigade
The Son of the Wolf Chief
Blind Jack of Knaresborough
Blind Jack Again
The Story of Djun
What Became of Owen Parfitt?
The Pets of Aurore Dupin
The Trials of M. Deschartres
Aurore at Play
How Aurore learned to Ride
Land-Otter the Indian
The Disinheriting of a Son
The Siege of Rhodes
The Princess of Babylon
The Adventures of Fire-Drill's Son
The Strange Story of Elizabeth Canning
Mrs. Veal's Ghost
The Chief's Daughter
The Boyhood of a Painter
The Adventures of a Spanish Nun